Thursday, March 5, 2015

Paper Towns pt5

Quentin and his friends plan on going out to one of those places next to New YOrk hoping to find Margo there... dead or alive. It turns out that Margo was hiding out in a fictional town called Agloe, in the outskirts of NYC, and Q and his friends find her there, weirdly not pleased about being found.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Paper Towns pt4

Q continues hus search for Margo in various pseudodivisions nearby, that could have ineterested her. BUt each time all he finds is dirt and emptiness, and he always ends up going back to one pseudodivision in particular, and finds new clues everytime. After having found the trace of a map against a wall, Q tries to create an itinerary that she could have possibly also taken. IT later becomes more possible that MArgo might me in or around New York.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Frankenstein Chapters 5 and 6 by Egor

Chapter 5
Victor finally manages to complete his creation in the night. This took him months ti construct. However, when he looks at it, he is horrified. The creature has green skin and all of it's body is messed up, especially the face. He runs to his bed and tries to fall asleep, but can't because it is a very stormy night. He wakes up to see the creature smiling at it. Completely frightened, he runs out of the house and spends the night there. In the morning, he takes a walk around town, doing anything to not return to his house. When he passes the inn, he sees Henry Clerical, a friend of his who was just about to start university. He is delighted to see him, after months of complete isolation. He takes him to his house. At first, he is happy because there is no sign of the creature However, when he enters he looses consciousness thinking about the creature, he becomes ill. Henry nurses him and it takes him a few months to recover. He is then given a letter from Elizabeth, who has apparently arrived to town.

Chapter 6
Elizabeth expresses her concern over Victor's illness. She also urges him to write to his family in Geneva as soon as possible. She informs him that a member of his family also moved into their home following his mother's death. He introduces Henry to the professors in the university. As they study, Victor can't even look at some chemicals as they remind him of the creature. He therefore decides to return to Geneva and waits for a return letter from his father as he has walk around town with Henry.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Ascend" by Amanda Hocking

My book is getting really good. The Vittra have attacked the Trylle, and the Trylle have won. They beat Oren by poisoning him and making him weak and then stabbing him with the white gold dagger which is the only weapon that can kill him. He is now dead and the Vittra are now free to join the Trylle. Wendy was wounded during battle nearly to the point of death but Marrisa's healing powers got to her just in time. Wendy is now the most powerful Queen to have ever lived as she is now the leader of the Vittra and the Trylle. Sadly Elora died in battle, Oren killed her and then Wendy killed Oren for revenge. But now everything has gone back to normal. Loki and Wendy are so happy together and Wendy has passed a new law that social status does not matter when it comes down the people you love and Toby has found someone as well. Toby has stepped down from being king, as he never liked it any way and Loki has taken his place. Wendy is also expecting a baby a mix between a Vittra and Trylle, which symbolises their union. They have plans to get married in the near future and as their baby is a girl they are going called her Ellie which is short for Elora. I can't wait to finish this amazing series!!