Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Seeking Crystal" by Joss Stirling

I have finished reading seeking crystal. It was a really amazing book. In the end crystal, sky and phoenix were taken by the Contessa and with the use of her powers she made sure that they broke their bond with their soul finders. But as Crystal had such good shields built up because of her problems with telepathy she wasn't affected and managed to escape. She warned the Benedicts and then together they planned a rescue. Their rescue was successful but after they got back they realized Sky and Phoenix's soul finders had been wiped from their minds. Crystal then realized, with help from the other Benedicts, that her power was soul seeking. With everyone's help, she restored Phoenix and sky's bonds to their soul finders and she was reunited with Xav. Crystal then discovered that not only she could restore soul finder bonds she could also find peoples soul finders for them. At the end of the book Crystal helps whoever in her family who wants to find their soul finder.
I really enjoyed this book just like the two other and can't wait to read the next book called "Misty Falls" which is about Misty, Crystal's niece who is a younger savant of about 16 who finds her soul finder.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I am still reading Misty Falls by Joss Sterling, I am almost finished and it was yet again another brilliant, romantic and mysterious written book like the sequels I have read many times before..

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

There are growing tensions between the leading pigs Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon has claimed that Snowball is a criminal. Snkwball's plans for a windmill were said to be copied off Napoleons and that is why Napoleons tactic is too get rid of s ow all for good because he stole his original idea. To get rid of him he would have to convince the whole farm that the windmill is a bad idea even though it was him who created it and secretly agrees with it.

"Seeking Crystal" by Joss Stirling

This is a wonderful book. It is the third book in the series that I am reading. It is about a savant called Crystal who has always thought she was the odd one out in her family as she can't use telepathy without being sick. Her sister Diamond meets her soul finder who is one of the Benedict brothers and Crystal meets another one of the Benedicts called Xav. They cannot tell if they are soul finders as Crystal can't use telepathy or any of her powers but Xav has a feeling that they are as they are the same age. But its hate at first sight, there are sparks going off between them but not necessarily good ones, they fight all the time and disagree on almost everything although there is a bit of attraction between them they chose to ignore it. But one day Crystal is asked to be an extra in a movie and so is Xav so they show up and they get ready. As soon as the camera starts rolling they realise that it is a romantic movie and that they are expected to kiss each other. So reluctantly they do as they are told and as soon as they kiss, sparks fly and it is the best kiss that they have both ever had. They instantly feel chemistry but they can't prove that Crystal is Xavs soul finder as she can't use telepathy.

So far this book is amazing and I hope that Xav can help Crystal find her powers and use her telepathy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"Stealing Phoenix" by Joss Stirling

I have now finished "Stealing Phoenix". It was an amazing book, just as good as the first one. At the end of the book Yves and Phoenix meet the Seer and Yves sets up an amazing plan which traps the Seer and all of his connections to the Black Market. The Seer is then taken to prison and all of the other evil savants. This was all possible thanks to the rest of the Benedict family who helped Yves by showing up and doing exactly what they were supposed to do. But even after the Seer was arrested, his two sons took Phoenix and escaped. They took her back to the Community so that they could pack up their belongings and take all of their money, but Yves wouldn't let that happen so he lit the house on fire and expected the two sons of the Seer to run out with Phoenix but they stayed out of greed so that they could get all of their money. They left Phoenix at the second floor while they ran up to the attic to get their belongings. Phee had been shot by one of them in the leg to ensure that she wouldn't leave without them. Phee was about to die as there was so much smoke but she managed to find the strength to get up and make her way to a window where Yves and his family were waiting together they managed to lower her down from the window with their powers. In the end Phoenix was taken to a hospital and Yves asked her to marry him and she said yes. They both moved to California where Yves was studying and Phee decided to take a course in literature with Yves.

I really enjoyed this book and seeing Phee develop throughout the book. At first she couldn't trust anyone including herself but little by little she let herself care for Yves and let Yves and his family care for her.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

This is going to be the summary of chapter 7,

  Jack's mother, Ms. Gantos, told Jack to go get dressed because she was taking him out to get some fresh air. She brought him to the doctor, Dr. Mertz. She wanted to go the doctor to check Jack's nose because he had a lot of nose bleeds recently (he gets nose bleed when he's excited). She wanted the doctor to fix this problem but unfortunately she didn't have enough money so they went back home. On the way she told him how the people in Norvelt are poor and that she was going to save money to get Jack's nose fixed.

 This chapter wasn't very fun. It was probably just there so after in the other chapters it will make sense and they will explain how she saves up the money.

The History behind Shōgun

The History behind Shōgun and the main character
Hey there, Peter here! I've already talked a bit in my last posts about the history in the era that this book took place in. To understand this book even further, I researched what was going on at that time.

This book was set around the 1600s when the English and Dutch allied up to fight against the Spanish. The English were skilled sailors. Their ships outclassed the Spanish. At that time, the New World had already been discovered and conquered by the Spanish. The English and Dutch hired Pirates to go loot the coastal towns in South America. They looted churches and raped women. Afterwards, they would bring the bounty back to England/Netherlands and would get around 15% of their bounty. 

This book revolved around an English Captain named John Blackthorne. Blackthorne was a fictional character but the writer based him on a real historical figure named William Adams (English sailor) who traveled to Japan and was known to be the first 'Western Samurai'. Adams was assigned to Asia by the Dutch East India company in 1598. He was close to the Shogun, Tokugawa leyasu and commanded a couple of Japanese ships to Southeast Asia. He also kept his close relationship to his homeland and had set up a couple of trade factories in both Netherlands and England. 

"Stealing Phoenix" by Joss Stirling

My book is getting better and better. Phee is finally learning how to trust Yves and they are growing closer and then bond is getting stronger. After Phee and Yves met she ran from him back to the Seer and the Seer saw in her mind that she had found her soulfinder so he made her using mind control to force Yves to meet him, with no backup. Phee told him to meet her and tried to warn him about the Seer but he barely listened and took her for a cup of tea and they spoke for an hour non stop. They really clicked and then Phee finally knew for sure that Yves was the one for her. Phee then sadly had to bring Yves to the Seer, the Seer told Yves that if he didn't bring him information about other savants with incredible gifts then Phee would have to hurt someone Yves loved. Yves negotiated with the Seer to let him have Phee for 2 days before he came with the information. Phee and Yves went back to his apartment where Yves whole family was waiting for him and his soulfinder. Phee met the whole family including Zed's soulfinder, Sky who was extremely empathetic to Phee's background as Sky came from a bad background as well. I really hope that Yves figures out a way to beat the Seer and that Phee does not run away from Yves anymore. She seems a bit overwhelmed but she is starting to believe that Yves can protect her from the Seer with the help of his family.

Frankenstein chapters 12-13

Chapter 13
When the winter steadily arrives, the monster realises that the people seem unhappy. Especially, Felix, one of the people living in the hovel. One day, a woman named Safie arrives, speaking a different language and dressed all in black. She moves in to live with them. After that, the mood of the people brightens up. As she learns their language, so does the monster. He even learns how to read through a book called Ruin of Empress, that Felix reads. Through the process of Safie being educated, the monster learns a bit of world history. By listening to their conversations, he starts to understand the society of humans. He realises that he is deformed and feels lonely and disowned by humans. His feelings of loneliness deepen after he learns relations between humans as well as things they like and have to do.

Chapter 14
The monster briefly understands the history of these people: the old man used to be a successful citizen of Paris and his children were educated. Safie's father however, was accused of murder and sentenced to death, they believe falsely. Felix met the Safie after this event and fell in love with her. She, a turkish woman was very happy to marry a European in order to escape a return to Turkey, where she would face slave-like conditions. Felix helps her father escape, as they both believe they he was innocent. Felix is caught and tried. The verdict was to exile him, as well as the old an and the woman for apparent participation and they are fined virtually all their wealth. The man who escaped flees back to Turkey, telling his daughter to do the same thing. However, she has a bit of money and uses it to come to Felix. The monster also shows letters sent from Safie to Felix, that he copied, to proof that what he is saying is true. In the letter, it also states that the reason her and her father left turkey was because her mother was enslaved, for covering to Christianity, but Safie's father was a muslim.

The Selection Series

At the start of this term I started reading a series called the 'Selection' By Kiera Cass. There is three books in the series'; The Selection, The Elite and The One. I was recommend to read this series by a friend. I have finished the first and second book. The books were really easy to read, I personally didn't enjoy the books as the the story line wasn't for me. Although if you enjoy books that a non fiction and romantic, then this will be the book for you. The books are very quick and easy.

The Selection and The Elite: 

This is the first book in the series by Kiera Cass. America Singer, (I know very funny name) is the main character in the book. America is a very strong minded and extremely brave. She cares for others more than herself, even if they were lower than her in the caste. The caste system works from 1 to 8. One mean royalty and 8 meaning homeless. Americas a 5, fives are mostly artists and musicians. There is a royal family with a King, Queen and Prince. The prince holds a selection, this is where 35 girls from different castes are sent to live in the caste with the prince Maxon. The last girl standing will marry the Prince. America is one of these girls. But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks. Then America meets Prince Maxon. The prince is very kind, although he is ver childish. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself (Marrying Aspen) and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.The story continues with a love triangle between, America, Aspen and Maxon. Many girls are forced to leave the Selection, at the end of the second book only 5 girl remain. 

The books were pretty fluffy and romantic. There wasn't much drama or action, even with the rebel attacks. I am planning of reading the third just to finish the series and find out who America will end up with, Aspen or Maxon? 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The dead end in Norvelt

 In this blog, I will just be writing about what I think about the book so far. About what I enjoy about it and what I don't.

  This book isn't a confusing book so I understand everything. It's very interesting and the plot has a lot of suspense. It's fast moving so it jumps from one thing to another, so you don't get bored. I like the fact that it's from a kid's point of view just like Huckleberry Finn. It makes it so much more interesting and makes the world seem so much better than if it was from an adult point of view.

  Things I don't like, there aren't many but there are 2 or 3 thing I dislike. First of all, is that I don't think they describe enough the characters so the image of the character in your head isn't very clear, maybe it was done by purpose so you could imagine your character but I'm not sure about that. The second and last reason is that at some part in the book things go confusing and I don't understand. Even though, I said I understood everything but there is this one part I didn't quite understand it was when Jack meets Bunny. But, I reread that chapter and now I understand

 Overall, I like it and hope that I will have enough time to finish it. It's an exciting book full of suspense.

The writer's method of writing 'Shōgun'

The writer's method of writing 'Shōgun'
Hey there! Peter here. In my last post, I had already talked a little about this book, I had been reading. In this post I would like to highlight the writer's method of expressing the difference in culture. Of course, the two sides (Europeans and Japanese) had different perspective towards foreign culture, especially for Japan since during this period of history. Japan closed its country for a few hundred years under the Tokugawa shogunate but was forced to open its port in 1854 by Captain Perry of the United States. However, back in those days, only the Portuguese were allowed to trade with the Japanese through a port town named Nagasaki. 

Back to the story...
The writer cunningly wrote in two perspectives. When the readers are placed into the perspective of Captain Blackthorne (the captured English captain), we would feel that Japan was truly a uncultured and barbaric place. We would not understand how the Japanese society works and it would like the Japanese world was uncivilized because of their methods.
On the other hand, later in the book, the author placed us into the Japanese perspective. After, we would understand much more about their honor, pride and culture. From what the author did, I learnt that Honor was the factor that the Japanese culture was based on.

"without that dignity, what is the ultimate point of life" Omi, Japanese noble

At this point of the story, I find how the story is unraveling very attracting and interesting at the same time. I'll let you know of the events that comes after :)

Frankenstein chapter 12 continued

Chapter 12
The monster observes the people and becomes very interested in them. He realizes that they are very sad and is at first unsure why. However, he then understands it is due to poverty and feels very guilty and responsible for this, as he was stealing food from them. To compensate, he goes to the woods to collect wood and lays it outside their door for their use. He also stops stealing and tries to find alternatives. During the process, he sees his reflection in the water and is shocked by his ugliness. He spends the whole winter in the hovel, not seen. Over time, he becomes increasingly affectionate towards the people.

Frankenstein chapters 11-12

Chapter 11
The monsters tells Victor of the confusion he experienced when he was created. He felt negative feelings, such as coldness, hunger etc... In the wood, he manages to create a fire, which keeps him warm. He also realizes it Is good to make the food more eatable. He goes the nearby village in search of food, but finds people running away from him. He then learns to stay away from humans. However, when he does to a small hovel, he finds an elderly man, a young woman and a young man...

Monday, May 4, 2015

The animals are now becoming more democratic. Every decision is done by voting. If they are dis agreements they are speeches that are held to help sway people to go for w certain idea. The pigs are like the government and two of them are running for president and the other animals are the pople who are voting.

Count of Monte Cristo

So hi guys,
its been awhile since I posted on the blogger and I have read quite a lot since then. The story is still really interesting and since it is a pretty long book, I have a lot of questions, the answers to which I hope to get soon. So I am not really sure how far I got to with the explanation of the story last time, but now the main character, Edmond Dantés, escaped prison, where he was put unfairly, and now is pretending to be somebody else, named Sinbad the Sailor.

Almost There

I have almost finished Agent 21 Codebreaker. So far the book has taken a turn for the worst and the main characters of the book have deciphered that the next bomb location is at a children's hospital this creates a lot of panic among the characters. They located the bomb however they cannot diffuse it, so their only way of carrying the action through is by evacuating the hospital however the bomb still goes off.
The hobbit: 

The book is extrememly good!! The way of writing is vivid and exciting. Although i am not ver far into the book, I love it so far! The vocabulary is sophisticated but tge way he uses it makes it easy for te reader to understand. 

Bilbo Baggins is very stiff and does everything his way but then everything changes what the dwarves shoe up at his house. They are putting him outside his comfort zone and though he doesnt like it at first, he starts to enjoy it more and more through out the journey. 

Heart of Darkness 2

Over the course of the voyage Marlow arrives at a new station. Over there he finds out that his ship has been sunk in the river and has to stay a while for all of the parts to come and repair it, and during this period he becomes fairly interested in Kurtz while the manager fears what Kurtz could do to his position.

After months of waiting, the last of the steamboat's parts arrive, which means that Marlow and his new recruit of "pilgrims" can finally depart on the long and heavy journey up the dark river in the heart of the Congo. The thick jungle forces them to be weary about their surroundings and they can often see the the native villages through the gaps in the trees which provokes the passengers aboard the steamboat to become scared, and the sudden beats of the drums from the villages causes their hearts to beat with them.

I believe that The Heart of Darkness could symbolise many different things including the white colony in the middle of the mass of black colonies, even though the whites are lighter on the outside they are darker on the inside because they treat the blacks as slaves. It could also mean Kurtz's heart as it is purely dark, and he catches a disease therefore it could mean his heart of darkness that is slowly dying.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Kite Runner pt3

The more I read the book, the more I understand the title of it, since basically every winter a kite flying competition is held in Kabul and it is the event that most kids look forward, including Amir and Hassan, and the kite runner is the one that chases the kite once it's cut; Hassan has the reputation of being one of the best kite runners in the city, according to Amir. So the day has finally come, and Amir's biggest wish is to win the competition and finally gain the respect and affection of his father. So the competition starts, and Amir finds himself part of the last three kites up in the air; so close to victory. And meanwhile all he can think about is wether his father is part of the cheering crowd or not.

The Kite Runner pt2

Throughout the beginning of the story, Amir and Hassan confront multiple bullies around the house, most of them pick on Hassan because he's a Hazara and they pick on Amir for being friends with a Hazara. That leads to Amir denying to himself that they are friends, and just thinking that Hassan is a servant and he must remain that way, although the truth is that they aren't just friends, they're like brothers. Amir also seems to be jealous of the relationship that Hassan and Amir's father have. In his mind, his baba prefers Hassan to him even though he treats them the same way. And the fact that Amir and Hassan are treated the same way by Amir's father makes him even more jealous because he thinks he should be treated differently and better by his father than a servant.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dead End in Norvelt

  I have reached page 70 and so far the book has been pretty fun. There was suspense and excitement. It's not a book that you would find in any library because it's weird and there are things that happen in the book that are pretty disgusting like when Miss Volker cooked her hand and the way they described how it looks after she cooked it, may give you goosebumps. But, overall I'm enjoying it, the book is about a kid called Jack and about the adventures he had during his holiday. Here is a continuation of the blog I wrote about before.

When, he shot his father's rifle he had been punished by his mum, so he has to go to Miss Volker's house to help her out because she was old if not he would do the house chores. The most interesting events happened at Miss Volker's house who is the town's historian. She was originally from the town where they lived in, so she knew a lot about it. He has to write obituaries about the people who die. Miss Volker treated Jack like a man so she allowed him to drive the car and to do nasty things like cleaning up the rats in the cellar. 

Jack met a girl called Bunny who was very nice to him and she realised that Jack was scared of dead people so she brought him to a funeral parlour. She lifted the dead man's cap and forced Jack to touch the man's neck and he didn't feel any pulse, so this freaked him out.  She was a bit weird, but was a very funny girl and she liked to play boy sports like running or playing with balls. She was his best friend.