Monday, February 29, 2016

"The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe

I have finished my book. I really enjoyed all three stories. They were a different type of story in comparison to what I usually read. They were more about mystery, madness and death. All of them included death and some form of mental illness. I did find all three of them very unique and really interesting to read. 

The Fall of the House of Usher was especially scary and twisted. It was about a man suffering from a mental illness who called his friend to help him through his last few weeks of life. The friend, when he first entered in the House of Usher, noticed a very large crack in the house's roof. He spent a few days with the mentally ill person: they spent some time painting and reading stories. One day the man told the visitor that his sister had died and that they needed to put her in a coffin and leave in the family cell at the bottom of the house. They did just this. Then one night, the visitor heard some strange sounds and couldn't get to sleep. The mad man came into his room in a completely deranged state so the friend read a story to him. But while he was reading he could still hear extremely strange sounds. Half way through the story the sister entered the room, driven crazy by disease as well as being locked away in a cell for days. The story ends with the visitor running away from the house and just as he turns round he sees the house collapse. 

The last story, the cask of Amontillado, was about two men who were good friends but one of them wanted revenge as he thought the other had insulted him. He conned him into going down into a wine cellar while he was drunk and chained him into one of the caves deep, deep down and left him there for good. 

In conclusion, I found all three stories very interesting and I really enjoyed reading this book. 


  1. Well done for finishing so quickly and writing a detailed review. You didn't mention the title story. Didn't you like that one?

  2. Wow, looks really cool do you still have the book by any chance, Id love to read it !

  3. Wow, looks really cool do you still have the book by any chance, Id love to read it !
