Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Angel Dares" by Joss Stirling

I have just finished reading this amazing book! It was the second one in the series and I think that the third is coming out in October. This book was brilliant! It had the perfect amount of action, romance and supernatural in it. I loved the way that the author really brought the characters alive as well as the fact that she used their gifts to show their weaknesses and strengths within their personality.  One of the main themes in this book was accepting someone for who they are; the good and the bad. This was very interesting as I got to see the evolution of Marcus, who at first didn't accept Angels gift but then eventually began to trust her more and he found it within himself to fully accept her and himself. I think that the main reason he wanted nothing to do with her or her gift was because he couldn't accept himself or the fact that he may be different. His gift was only triggered once he fully accepted himself for who he was. Different doesn't necessarily mean bad. I think that the difference between their personalities also complemented each other very well. Angel is impulsive, outgoing and isn't very organised on the other hand Marcus doesn't like change, he enjoys routine and is very guarded around other people. Angel managed to bring some spontaneity in to Marcus's life and Marcus brought some order to Angels chaos. Overall I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one to come out!!!

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