Friday, September 26, 2014

The fall of the European powers and the Japanese 'Cleaning'. (2nd World War)

2nd World War in Southeast-Asia
Personally, I find this part of History the most fun and interesting. It's like the movie 'independence day' in a way.
After the 1st World War, the Europeans was still has control of most of the region and thought that the region would still be in their hands forever. This statement was about to be challenged... From 1918 (the end of world war 1) to the 1930s (known as the 'illusion years'), Southeast-Asians started studying abroad and gained a lot of knowledge. They wanted independence from these alien rulers. They became nationalists. They started small revolt against the Dutch, British and the French. However, the nationalists did not succeed.. until 1941.
The Japanese Conquest and 'liberation' of Southeast Asia.

In 1941, the Japanese joined the war on the Axis side. The Japanese had interest in the southeast asian region for their rich rubber plantation and small mines. At that time, the European powers were still in place. The Japanese invaded and attacked the allied forces that were in control of the Southeast-Asian region. It turned out that the conquest was extremely easy for the Japanese troops. The nationalists that were shut in prisons by the Europeans Rulers were liberated by the Japanese. People were celebrating throughout the region as the Japanese annihilate the Allied force. Thailand, which was an independent country let the Japanese use their territory as a free passage to Burma, where the Japanese wiped the country off the British. The Dutch would still resist the new power of Japan, but in the end, the Japanese took over Indonesia. By the end of 1942, the Japanese 'cleaned' the region and was in charge of the whole Southeast Asian region. This created huge humiliation towards the European powers. After, the Japanese installed their own type of government into the region.

The tide of war turns...
The American counter-attack in the pacific made the Japanese very weak. In 1945, the Japanese Empire started to crumble. The British counter-attacked and reconquered Burma. Down in the south, British navy started an invasion onto the Indonesian Islands. By August 1945, Japan surrendered and left the southeast-asian region. Some of the Europeans came back to control the region. Soon, the nationalists will rise against the alien power once again.
Allied troops reconquest of Rangoon, Burma


  1. The fascinating history continues. I knew almost nothing about this: it's good to see WW2 from the point of view of the other side of the world.

    How important was the USA's involvement?

  2. USA in fact, played an important role during and after the war.
    During the war, The American invaded the Philippines to counter-attack the Japanese. Their success in the Philippines gave the European powers influence to invade the mainland and Indonesia.
    After, the war, the Japanese left the region. Britain demanded rice from Thailand since they were on the Japanese side during the war. The Americans helped the Thai out of this problem by convincing the British.
