Thursday, September 25, 2014

So far i am reading two books, the first one is called "Silas Marner" by Goerge Eliot, its an extremely hard to understand since its written in a very old style and to be honest i have to look up A LOT of words so its not a easy going/relaxation book, i have to concentrate very much to understand even half.

The other book is called "Casual Vacancy" by Jk. Rowling, at first it seems like a book which gets better and better the more you get into it but I'm afraid I'm on page 65 and its not. The author introduces way to many characters way too fast in my opinion and you can hardly follow with the names or what the setting is or even whats happening. Im a little annoyed with this book so i think I'm going to try to find a book which i will enjoy more since there is clearly no point forcing yourself to read a book your definitely not interested in.

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