Friday, January 30, 2015

Almost there

So they are still separated from each other in different countries with different obstacles in their ways but eventually they meet up and take down the King of Chaos in a world at stake battle.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Animal Farm: rest of the book

Brief Summary:
Napoleon grasps all the power and kicks Snowball out from the farm because she wanted to help educate the animals but he did not agree with her plans. Slowly, the pigs take power away from the animals, they stop feeding the animals enough food to be able to work, and keep all the food and imports for themselves. They even begin living in the farmhouse again. Due to the fact that Boxer, the strongest horse, was getting old and wasn’t performing well enough they decided to kill him which, came as a shock to the rest of the animals. Near the end of the book the pigs begin to walk on their back legs like humans, they talk to other men, drink lots of alcohol and whip the animals when they don’t work. Squealer then goes on to tell the animals of the farm that this is for the good of the farm. The animals, at the end of the book, can’t tell the difference between the pigs now and the farmers that once ruled over all of them.

Throughout the book I began to noticed that more and more that the  story had a hidden message which was communism. It may not be that obvious but the way that the animals overthrew their previous leaders and then the pigs unjustly rose to power and started treating the animals like slaves once again makes this represent the communism. Overall I enjoyed reading this book a lot and I recommend it to anyone who has not read it.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Perks of being a Wallflower.

Sam and Brad were much older than Charlie. They were now his close friends and Charlie had a crush on Sam and though of her "That way." At the party one of Brads friends decided to give Charlie some "Brownies" and then Charlie started to feel very out of it (he was high). After he indulged in his Milkshake he started hearing noises in the other room. He opened the door and so Brad and another guy on the bed. Brad same out and explained to Charlie that his friend wants to keep it a secret because he was the captain of the football team. Brad went back in and they started arguing but everything was alright in the end. They were driving back home in the pick up when sam climbed into the back stud up. Her favorite song was playing and then she said "And at that moment we were infinite."
I havn't gotten that far into the book, The Great Gatsby, but it is so interesting. The way that the author describes the characters make you feel like you can actually see them and know exactly what he is talking about. He describes the tone of voice and even the way they way that they stood, he catches every little detail and that is what puuls me deeper into the book. It is not the easiest book tk read but it makes it so much easire that he paints a picture with words and it helps me imagine and visualise what he is talking about.
I am reading agatha christie - murder on the orient express.. I have only started it a few days ago but it has already caught my attention and I am looking forward to read more about it. I normally dont read thriller books so this is a new reading experience for me.
Perks of being a Wallflower.

The book is written in a Diary form and has "Parts" rather than chapters. So every week or so Charlie would re-cap what happened that week in her diary. I find this very effective and it makes it flow much better. I find that it fits the story perfectly and also adds effect to it. It is an auto biography.

Thirteen problems

The book I am reading now is a collection of short stories and I already finished the first one. There were six characters, including the main one - Miss Marple, who decided to create the "Tuesday night club". They would meet every Tuesday to discuss a murder or a story that only one of them had read about. He would state the facts and the others would have as a challenge to figure out what happened and who did it. The purpose of that game is to prove who is the most intelligent of them all. I liked the story, because the murder itself was very original, but it was a little bit hard to believe that Miss Marple managed to figure out what happened, which was something COMPLETELY unexpected, without being at the crime scene. So in the end, I think that it might have been a better idea to have just made it like a typical detective story rather than "The Tuesday night club".
Perks of being a Wallflower.

Charlie's sister was getting serious with her boyfriend who was over at their house a lot more now. Charlie had caught them naked in the basement and his sister said "get out you perv." Then the boyfriend and his sister got into an argument where she called him names and then he slapped her. Charlie's father went over to the boys house and talked to his parents. He said that he didn't want their son to be with his daughter anymore and that was that.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

We were liars

I started reading "We were liars". I have only read a couple of chapters of the book but so far i am liking the book. The book grabs you from the first page and will never let you put it down. It is gripping and very thrilling so far. I hope i enjoy this book. I will post later on when i have read more of the book. 

Private Peaceful 6

The War has just begun and news started arriving where the Peaceful's lived. For the moment it was not concerning them but news was spreading. Molly was informing Tommo about this as they were seeing each other regularly on bases of the letters. Finally in the book Tommo has finished school and his about to start manhood by working at the same Farm as Charlie. The letters were less frequent between Molly and Charlie but Tommo was happy to spend 6 days a week with Charlie. One day the both returned to home and as to there unpleasant surprise they find Molly's Mother sitting with there mother looking both grimed faced.This scene was very upsetting to Tommo as Molly's mother was raging about the disgusting love talk and the endless romance in the letters and how Molly was punished, Tommo realised that he had been betrayed and lied to.Molly and Charlie were forbidden to see each other by Molly's Family and Tommo was upset however Charlie said they did not tell me so that he would not be hurt. They made up but secretly Tommo was still upset and they never discussed Molly after that incident. Soon after Bertha started to go missing which was bizarre as normally she stayed next to Big Joe and they were fixed together like glue. However she would always return back but one afternoon she did not come back and Big Joe was frantic. Tommo went searching in the woods he was about to give up when he heard a shot and he instantly knew what it was. He raced towards the echoing sound and as he arrived. He saw Bertha laying dead outside his dad's schack next to her Colonel with his shotgun in hand. Molly and Charlie ran towards Berth and Molly turned towards the Colonel and said "WHY!" and than broke down in tears.

Private Peaceful 5

I forgot to mention that the when Charlie Peaceful was working up in the big manor that his job was to look after the hunting dogs and the horses. He was drawn to one dog named Bertha who had a silly soft cream coat and big eyes. As usual the Colonel had to spoil the moment by saying that Bertha was no use to him as she as not the quickest and how she would leave the pack n her own adventures. At that time we could clearly see that dogs were not the loveable companion as they are now considered. That upset Charlie so he decided to steal the dog. That was not the wisest choice but he did it out of pure love. He hid Berth in his dad's shed and as we would of suspected the Colonel finds out and confronts yet again the Peaceful's. Even though Charlie did not tell the rest of his family , his mother supported his decision and took upon herself to buy Bertha. The colonel was not happy enough with that so sacked Charlie as a punishment. The family continued their everyday life and Bertha became part of there family and Big Joe who we have discovered was born with brain damage was fascinated towards Bertha and they remained everyday the whole day together.After weeks of Charlie going around finding a job he found one at a Farm as a dairyman. Charlie was happy until one day Molly stopped showing up to the Peaceful's that upset deeply everyone. Charlie's mother presumed that GrandmaWolf and the Colonel made sure that the family had a bad name, thus bad reputation and that they warned Molly's parents who were strict and up tight about her daughter be friending a thief. This showed that GrandmaWolf who shares the same genes and good as the Peaceful's would stab them right in the back with out a doubt. The situation worsened because every time Charlie would knock on Molly's door he would be sent away by a yelling Mother: never to return again. One day Charlie had a plan to send Tommo with his letters to Molly. They decided to meet where they always used to go fishing together. Molly confessed to Tommo that the Peaceful's hypotheses about the Colonel spreading wickedness was true and how her parents forbid her to see the Peaceful's otherwise should would go to hell. To tell to your only daughter that seeing someone that she liked and made her happy   was going to send her to hell the place where the worst people go to, for me that is  to harsh and unnecessary. Tommo gave the letters to Molly and as answer to the letter she said yes. I understood what "yes" meant and I felt sorry for Tommo as I know that he loves Molly however Tommo was clueless as to what was happening. he was just happy to be the messenger between the two so that he could see more of Molly. The letters started flowing in and he was the regular currier.

"Ascend" by Amanda Hocking

I have started reading Ascend, the last of the Trylle series, Wendy has now taken her position as the Trylle Queen. Wendy must now make many decisions about who she loves, how to kill Oren the King of the Vittra and her father. I have now found out that he is immortal and he is nearly impossible to defeat, and as he is extremely angry about the fact that Wendy has chosen to side with the Trylle he is determined to destroy her and her friends including Loki and Finn. Wendy's marriage with Tove is not going as well as she expected the public expect her to provide the Kingdom with a male heir and because Tove is gay and uninterested the pressure is on. Also the fact that Wendy is constantly thinking about Finn and Loki doesn't help, Finn is dark, mysterious and forbidden and Loki is warm, fun and dangerous. Who she choses is up to how she wants to live her life, either constantly in the shadows and in hiding with Finn or out in the open with a Vittra prince. Finn seems to be pulling away day by day ignoring her a little more and trying to distance himself from her which only makes Wendy want him more. Wendy can barely get her love life in order let alone the Kingdom, the Prime Minister, a disgusting fat old man wants to be the King and won't let the public hear enough about how Wendy is destroying the Trylle Kingdom. The book is great and I can't wait to see how it ends!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Chapter 1-2 summary Frankenstein Egor


Chapter 1
The narrator is Victor Frankenstein. We find out that his mother’s name is Caroline and his father’s name is Alphonse. The couple married and shortly Victor was born two years after Caroline’s father died due to poverty and he protected her. Elizabeth is Victor’s childhood “companion”. She became part of the Frankenstein family when Victor was four and she was adopted after he mother died. In fact, they found out about Elizabeth when they were on a trip in Italy. She found out that she is a orphan, but was the daughter of a German woman and a nobleman from Milan. So, she adopts her and brigs her back to Geneva.

Chapter 2
Victor and Elizabeth become best friends as they grow up. Another good friend he has is Henri, with whom he attends school. When Victor becomes a teenager, he become very interested in nature. He then reads a book written by Cornelius Agrippa who was a writer of the sixteenth century, specializing in Science.  He then becomes interested in natural philosophy, studying findings of alchemists. A modern natural philosopher, which is often with the Frankenstein family explains his ideas. This made discoveries of the alchemists Victor studies seem worthless.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thirteen problems

I am reading the book "Thirteen problems" by Agatha Christie. I haven't read much so I don't have an opinion yet, but I have read quite a few books written by her that I have really enjoyed. I am really looking forward to this collection of short stories.
 I am readin Psmith in the city. I have read a bit more than 20 pages and its quite interesting. I got far enough in the book and understood what the book is going to be about and I have met various characters. 2 people were sent the city, Psmith and Mike. They were both sent by their dad to work in the city. They are both in the similar bad conditions and they will probably make it out further on in the book.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I am now currently reading The Great Gatsby and so far it is pretty good, I have only read 20 pages but it is really interesting. So far I have met Nick Carraway and he has kind of introduced me to Jay Gatsby, I have also met Daisy and Tom Buchanan.
Nick describes Tom as a very arrogant man who sits in his skin well and plays the part of a young rich man well. He also describes Daisy as the golden girl who has a perfect life.
So far the book has been like the movie that came out in 2013, some of true lines are the same and also the descriptions mach the images in the movie well so I an intrigues to see if it continues this way and also if the book is better than the movie.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Torn" by Amanda Hocking

I have finished "Torn" and I am now going to read the third and last book of the series called Ascend. Torn was a great book, I understood the story so much more because of all the description and explanation in it. The book focused mainly on two themes: hierarchy and equality, the book had an amazing ending. Tove (Wendy's best friend who has been helping her use her powers), proposed to Wendy after she had kissed Loki and Finn on the same day. Wendy is starting to feel less attracted to Finn as he keeps leaving her and pushing her away over and over again, but Loki wants to be with her and he feels like a breath of fresh air to her, she is truly starting to fall for him. Finn also told Wendy that Tove is gay, but the reason why Tove proposed to her was that he was the next in line to the throne after her and Wendy had to get married as soon as possible to show unity in the Trylle to the Vittra. Wendy knows that they will never love each other but she is optimistic that they will find some sort of happiness as they are such good friends. Tove gave her a beautiful ring at their engagement party, it had a thick platinum band  designed to look like ivy wrapped around a giant emerald in the centre surrounded by diamonds. Wendy is happy and she knows that this is what is best for the kingdom at this point. As for Finn and Loki, I think that she has a lot more to sort out and she needs make a decision sooner rather then later. I have really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the next one.

Animal Farm chapter 4

Brief Summary:

During this chapter Mr.Jones starts off by complaining about the mishaps and unfortunate events that have happened to him over the past year. He explains that his animals took a rebellious turn against him -he did deserve it- and that he has lost everything. Two other farmers who hear this hope that this "misfortune" happens to them as well but eventually the pigeons spread among the animals from the other farms the "Beasts of England" song and the animals rebel. Mr.Jones and some men then decide to march on Animal Farm to try and re-capture it but since Snowball is prepared she devises a tactic to defeat them which works but gets one of the sheep killed in the process. But Boxer has in turn taken the life a little boy on the human side and wants to grieve about it but can't because Snowball explains that he is a filthy human.


I believe that this chapter marks an important event in the book as there is the spread of the animals "empire" which is growing, and that animals defeat the humans once again. I also think that the spread of this animal race is referral to other colonial empires long ago who took over colonies (in this case the animals take over the farm) and then later on expanding it (gathering more animals from the other farms). On top of all this I think that the animals don't understand what their fighting for and what they think their fighting for as these are two very different concepts. The animals think that they are keeping the farm from danger and defending it but in fact they do not know why they are defending it so vigorously from the humans, perhaps just to keep their freedom.

Paper Towns pt2

After their wild night out on the town, Margo goes missing which isn't usually something to worry about but this time it seems to bother particularly the parents, so the police gets involved.
This is when Q starts to find clues that lead to her, that she left intentionally for him.
I am now very intrigued in the story, and it's starting to look like a story of self-discovery (for Quentin), new experiences, and getting out of your comfort zone.
I am looking forward to finishing this novel and finding out the whole truth.
The book starts off with a bang because a fellow school mate Michael killed himself. His friends begin to become depressed and tell the guidance consular that they have wanted to commit suicide many times before. One girl said that she sometimes feels like killing herself while watching T.V and another guy said that he feels like dying but his religion prevents him from killing himself.

I am starting a new book. I chose this book because it was on the top 17 must read list and i have seen he movie which I liked very much.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Beach Babylon
by Imogen Edwards-Jones & anonymous

I am reading a book called Beach Babylon. There are numerous 'Babylon' books but none of them have the same plot but have the same idea. The idea behind the babylon books is the truth behind what really happens in 5-star hotels, in the fashion world, in airplanes and in this case on luxury hotel island resorts. The author is Imogen Edwards-Jones & anonymous. Anonymous is perhaps the manager of an actual luxury 5-star hotel and he has told his story about all the dirty secrets of what happens in the hotel, the anonymous then tells his/her story to Imogen Edwards-Jones who is a ghost writer and writes a book on the truth without giving away any of the real names of the staff nor hotel. 

These books are great fun and they tell you what the real prices of everything are, so like that you can see how much they rip off their customers. I have read Hotel Babylon too, which is the first book that Imogen Edwards-Jones wrote and I highly recommend it along with this book. 

So far in the book the story is set on a hotel resort island, I  think that the real hotel is based in the Maldives. It's classed as one of the top hotels in the world and it's a scandalous book about the truth.
I 'am really enjoying it and can't wait wait to find out what happens when the power shuts off or what happens when the seventy year old Russian Billionaire brings five top prositutes about twenty years old with him and rents out the top villa.  

Back on Track

So i just found my reading book, it was lost for quite some time now and i hope i can jump back into it and enjoy whatever awaits me (throughout the book).

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Private Peaceful 4

So much has happened during the book as I have advanced the book has come to life really expanding the story line. After the death of Tommo's father, the Colonel came to pay a visit to the cottage of the Peaceful's and tell them that as he owns the land and the cottage that he would suggest that either Mrs Peaceful comes and works for him at his mansion to be a ladies maid for his wife or that they evacuate the cottage. So the mother of Tommo is forced to leave and work however as a result the bad Grandma Wolf comes to stay with the children and as expected she is a terrible creature. The new friend of the Peaceful boys is called Molly the same girl that Tommo is introduced to his first day of school we find out that she is living under very strict conditions. Charlie, Tommo, Molly and Big Joe become best friends. Big Joe can relate well to Molly and she takes a motherly role over him. As day by day goes by Grandma Wolf dominated the house and the Peaceful's life always making derogatory comments on how her daughter married underneath her and how she was a nuisance just like a her children. These comments really get underneath my skin. Grandma Wolf is mean to Big Joe and that is unforgivable as he is a handicap whats even worse is that if somebody sticks up for him that person has a direct slap across the face. In the book Charlie and tommo as well as Molly help out the family with fishing and hunting with a secret plan not to get caught. As  ritual they walked back from school together and too school as well as swimming in a lake all together. During the novel we sense a crush from the part of Tommo towards Molly however like in To Kill A MockingBird age is a problem and sooner than later Tommo is feeling left out because Molly and Charlie are advancing on into High school. A huge moment or relief happens when the wife of the colonel dies and one of her wishes is always to accommodate the Peaceful's with their cottage so Mrs Peaceful leaves the job and Grandma Wolf leaves. As she and the colonel have always gotten on well she is asked to be the housekeeper of the manor to replace Mrs Colonel. In only a blink of an eyes she has the colonel wrapped around her little finger. Later school is finished for Molly and Charlie and as everybody else they go and work for the colonel. Now Tommo feels left out and when the two return from work they are tired and only have inside jokes. Another interesting part of this book is that in-between chapters you have a sentence with a title of time and that only say a couple of words that suggests that the narrater is somewhere else not in a nice place reflecting on the past.

"Torn" by Amanda Hocking

I've continued reading my book, it's very good and I'm finding out a lot more about Queen Elora's powers. She has been holding the Vittra Prince, Loki, captive but not in a prison and with bars but with her powers. She has such strong persuasion that she has persuaded Loki that if he leaves the castle he will fall so violently ill that he won't physically be able to leave the Palace without killing himself. Elora is extremely powerful, she is one of the most powerful Trylle in the Kingdom apart from her daughter Wendy who is foreseen to be the most powerful Trylle to have ever existed. Elora has very strong persuasion as well as the fact that she can see into the future. She gets glimpses of the future and her power makes her paint them on to canvases. The side effects of these incredibly strong powers are the fact that she is exhausted after she uses them, she gets very bad migraines when she doesn't paint the future and while she has been holding Loki in the palace she has gotten a white streak in her black hair and she has aged considerably. The only truly unhelpful thing about her powers is that she can't choose what she sees in the future, an image just appears in her mind and she has to paint it. Nobody is able to stop or control what is happening in these paintings no matter what they try to do.
I am really excited to find out more about her powers and the side effects that come with.

Friday, January 16, 2015

C.R.A. part 2

Crazy Rich Asians part 2
'I did not tell half of what I saw, for no one would have believed me.' 
~Marco Polo 1324

Story so far...
Both Rachel and Nick went to their own bachelor party organized by the couple that is about to get married. It turned out as a disaster for both of them especially for Rachel. Rachel was brought along with the girl friends of the bride. They went on a private jet to an island in the Indian Sea off the coast of Indonesia. They stayed in a private island with luxurious bungalows by the beach. Over there, since all the girls were rich, they criticized Rachel for her taste of cheap of clothes and they were jealous of her being with Nick (since he was very handsome). Finally, they pulled a nasty prank on her by putting large mutilated fish in her room, on the wall, it was written 'CATCH THIS YOU GOLD-DIGGING C*NT'. She was shock!
On Nick's side, it was horrible as well even though he was used to the luxurious life. He hated that he had to watch a dog's fight in Macao and stay on a ship with weird entertainment.

Lessons from part 2:
The writer portrayed the 'rich world' as a very hostile world. They will look down on you with great disdain if you do not fit in. Even among the millionaires of Singapore, envy, greed and lust ran through the city. Even though, they are rich, they don't seem as happy as Rachel who is a highly educated but middle class woman. Because of their wealth and envy turned them into belligerent human (especially women) who will bully the poorer. The writer showed us the dark side of Singapore, a prosperous country through the world of wealth. Even though they are all Chinese (except they live in different parts of Asia), the Singaporean-Chinese are racist towards their own kind and they always criticise the mainland Chinese and the 'nouveau riche'.

My opinion on this:
As a middle-class person in Southeast-Asia, this is the thing that I fear most. I am disgusted by those who are arrogant and hold contempt against those who are less fortunate than them. The writer had shown me the world I might face in the future and thanks to this book, I have an idea of how their ideology works. I seriously think that just because they are rich, they should spend all their money on luxury items just to RIVAL other rich families. That sum of money could be spent towards a better purpose in my opinion.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Paper Towns pt1

I have just started reading Paper Towns by John Green. As far as I have gotten it is the story of two neighbors, Quentin and Margo, that have known each other for their whole life although they drifted apart in their teenage years, although Q remained in love with Margo throughout his life.
Then one night, out of the blue they reunite and set off on an adventure to avenge Margo.
I find it interesting at the moment because I'm curious about what the story is leading to, something must be about to happen, and I'm very intrigued to find out what it is.

"Torn" by Amanda Hocking

In the past few chapters that I have read of my book, I have learnt a lot more about a relatively new character to the series called Loki, who is a potential love interest for Wendy. He has created quite a bit of chaos in Wendy's life. So far he has kidnapped her, then helped her escape, then he broke into the Trylle palace to get her back. Loki is the closest thing the Vittra have to a Prince, he is next in line for the throne if Wendy denies it. He has light hair and caramel eyes which is very unusual for a troll as most of them have dark brown hair and eyes. Physically, Loki is very strong, he could lift a baby gran piano by the time he could walk.  He has both Trylle and Vittra blood and is charming, cocky and a bit of a mystery. He finds Wendy both intriguing and infuriating, they have a love-hate relationship. 
Finn has now been reassigned as Wendy's guard and has to follow her everywhere which is very awkward also he only calls her "Princess" and no longer Wendy. I think that Wendy is drifting away from Finn and is getting closer to Loki as he is being held prisoner in the Trylle Palace as he broke in. She has been visiting him to find out why he helped them escape the Vittra, but he won't tell her anything.

I have enjoyed reading these last few chapters, and can't wait to read more. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

"Torn" by Amanda Hocking

The plot in my book is starting to evolve a lot more, Wendy has now found out that Finn has not left Trylle but he is staying with his parents. Wendy managed to persuade Jack her new protector to tell her where Finn was. She left the house and found Finn's house where his mother let her in though she hates Wendy as Elora (Wendy's mother) had an affair with her husband. Though soon after Wendy and Finn's mother awkward conversation, Finn arrived and walked Wendy home. They spoke about the same things that they always talk about, like how Finn is too low of rank for Wendy and how a Princess and future Queen should not be seen with a tracker. This brings us back to my last post on the blog about hierarchy, status and equality. Wendy loves Finn with all her heart and so does Finn but social status is constantly getting in the way of their relationship. Wendy sees Finn as a martyr, as he only does whats best for the Kingdom and never does anything for himself, he is a slave of the Kingdom. Though truly, in my opinion, Finn does everything he does for Wendy, he isn't with her as he wants her to have a good life and to be a good Queen. He is doing all of this out of his love for Wendy. Wendy is starting to get really frustrated and annoyed by Finn constantly leaving her alone, also she has a growing attraction to Loki, a Vittra prince. While she was training with her powers, she was told by her teacher to try to feel grounded and to focus on one thing so the first thing she focused on was Finn, but she didn't want to think of him so she tried to focus on something else and the first thing that popped into her head was Loki. Wendy can't help but think of him all the time, she tries to push him out of her mind but he creeps up every once in a while.
So far I am loving the book and this new love triangle.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Private Peaceful 3

Tommo dwells on an important event in his life span. He starts the day dream by stating a fact that he would only were his boots on sundays thus church day however his mother and father would wear boots every day  and how his father had a special pair of Hobnails boots that he wore every day and even the day he died. The Tommo started dwelling on the day his beloved father died how as a regular morning he took Tommo on his horse road up into the woods and how he would always say ; " Have fun" as Tommo always did. These lignes were very sweet until he got to the point were Tommo was standing underneath a great big tree and how he heard moans and groans from his father who was cutting down trees and when he looked around it was not his father but a huge tree above him swaying it was creaking when all the other tree were silent. He then realised that it was falling down and would land on top of him however he did not move. This situation of frozen in position always aggravates me because i do not understand why people do not react and run. We have a fight or flight response obviously if you see a tree that weight tonnes you are not going to fight it. Why didn't Tommo move ! It most of been a force greater than him. Later his father was screaming for him to run but he didn't so the father leapt in-front of the tree threw Tommo away and landed right underneath with full impact.He was dead straight away his head turned the opposite direction of Tommo and just blood running down his nose. If I were Tommo i would feel so much guilt responsibility and at fault that it would permanently scar me. The next memoir is when the funeral was happening and how there family got the first row and how normally only the Colonel and his family sat in front. A very symbolic moment happens when a swallow flies over head and how Tommo recognises as his father trying to escape and how he always said in his after life he wanted ro be a bird so he could fly away whenever he wanted to. To me the birds symbolises the spirt of Tommo's father his soul being set free of any burdens and of him turning into the after life. It is a very important line in my opinion. Finally Big Joe the brother who does not go to school points at the swell get up exits the room and comes back in explains what he did to his mother. Their grandmother scowls him. Tommo understood that she was ashamed to be part of the family but only till later he discovers why ! This I am sure is a big question that is going to be revealed later on !So i am looking forward to the answer.

Privare Peaceful 2

As I have finsihed the secret scripture ! I am moving onto private peaceful I have already done a post on  the beginning and introduction of the book as well as  the first scenes. I believe I ended the post when Tommo or Thomas Peaceful arrives at school dreading every moment of it. He gets put into lines and gets an awful first meeting with the dreaded and feared teacher Mr Munnings. We see a mean side of him I believe the only side of him and we understand the initial fears of Tommo. Mr Munnings adds to Tommo's fears : pointing him out and singling him out in front of the whole school then goes on about how Tommo whom he has never met before will bring to his woes and finally how he is the master and every one bows to him. These lines see almost as a dictatorship which is surprising coming from a primary school teacher who is supposed to be a sweet and gentle person, at least that is the stereo type of a primary teacher. Tommo arrives into class and with the first instant of separation with his brother Charlie he feels alone which shows us that he is does not have a lot of experience in the world how everything is new and fearful. Tommo is seated next to the eldest girl of the class and when his teacher Miss McAllister points out that his shoelace is undone a wave of nervousness appears as Tommo does not know how to tie his shoelaces and how he is dependant on his brother help. Finally Molly shows him and later on when in break time he tests his knowledge and manages to tie his laces. This demonstrates that Tommo is utterly dependant on his brothers. However this also shows us that Tommo surpasses his lack of knowledge and quickly absorbs the skill. This proves that his brain is like a sponge that he is rather on the ball.


WOAHHHHHH ! I have finally finished the secret scripture one week ago. I have established rather a love hate relationship towards the book but as a whole the book is a fabulous story that i highly recommend but to perseverant and quite regular readers. With its complicated stories and two different narraters it is a challenging book  to read however it has opened me up to the world of reading which is quite a challenging thing to do ! The book has had numeral plots, climaxes and its share of depressing and heart recking pages. As this book is based in the past and present we discover how harshly women were judged, viewed and treated and how what happens in your past if it is traumatic will follow you and burden you for the rest of your life. This book mainly shows perseverance as the main protagonist of the story Roseanne had the worst child hood filled with evil, cruelty and despair and how she never gave up even in the most depressing events. Perseverance was also shown how one man Dr Green would not give up on his quest to find the reason behind  why Roseanne was committed to the hospital and if she would be strong enough to survive in civilisation by herself. All long the way we have discovered that even if you are a holy person and dedicate your self to religion you are certainly not mother Theresa and have the same opinion has any other standard man. Women were treated as robots, always there we needed, always happy, always having to complete the wishes of there husband and always miss judges and criticised. Roseanne was thought to be unfaithful when she was walking with a man up a mountain merely talking. We also see how in a flash your whole world can be taken away from your dragged under neat your feet and you are left with nothing this being demonstrated with Roseanne. Who was shut away and looked upon in disgust. Finally the best part of the book was the ending one of the most jaw dropping and gripping experience where we discover that Dr Greene was adopted by his "parents" and is biological mother is in fact Roseanne ........

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Maze Runner

I have finished reading “The maze runner”. It was a really great book and i enjoyed it a lot. The book has lots of action and adventure. It was a really easy read although it was very intriguing. The Maze Runner was very gripping and exciting. There is a series (There is two more books left). I am going to start the next book in the series. I recommend this book for everyone. 

"Torn" by Amanda Hocking

In my book there has been a recurring theme of cruelty and unkindness towards people who are or look different. I think that this is wrong, just because someone is different or isn't perfect doesn't mean that they are not good people or don't have kind hearts. In my book there is this character called Willa and she is very high up in society and she extremely condensing to anyone below her rank. She is very picky with who she chooses to be her friends, they have to look perfect and have to be rich otherwise she won't even think about being their friend. Willa is an example of what people shouldn't be, she judges people on their looks and bank account, not on their personality and values. Another example of this cruelty and unkindness in my book is the curse of goblinism in the Vittra kingdom. When a child is born in the Vittra kingdom (which is very rare as the curse makes most Vittra women infertile) the child looks like a goblin. Automatically the child is taken away from his/her mother and is raised by the government as a slave. No goblin is allowed to live a normal life, they are exploited and put to work as soon as they can work. This is awful and nobody should be treated like that based on what they are or what they look like.

So far i have learned how it was for the soldiers in the trenches and what the war was like for them. There were two men muller are kemerich. Kemerich is willing to give Muller his boots but Muller says that her would rather go over the barbed wire than to find a scheme to get hold of them as soldiers did not have boots that were sufficient for the harsh conditions. 

“We became soldiers with eagerness and enthusiasm, but they had done everything to knock that out of us.” The author said. I think he is saying that they were treated so badly that they were no longer excited and enthusiastic but rather dull and un willing to go to war. This shows how soldiers were treated in the war.

He describes the trainers of the soldiers to be “circus ponies” meaning that they know nothing about what they were doing but the soldiers soon became accustomed to it. 

Soldiers had to be on guard every week and had to practice shooting their rifles in all conditions.

I also learn that the trainers held grudges for certain soldiers in particular. This could be for any reason such as their religion beliefs or to get pay back. They would punish the soldiers for no reason and made him stay on guard every sunday.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Psmith in the city

Hello, I am reading Psmith in the city. The book is about Psmith which is pronounced "Smith" and a character called Mike Jackson who is a student and who is passionate of cricket. Mike plays in a cricket team administered by Psmith dad which one of the reason they met.. Both characters live in very similar conditions. They both are unable to attend college and they both work in the same back in London. It's a funny book so it doesn't get boring

"Torn" by Amanda Hocking

I've read a few chapters during the holidays and the book is getting better and better. Wendy has now told her brother about her life as a Trylle and how she is the princess of the kingdom. It has been very hard for Wendy to accept the fact that Matt (her host brother) is not her real brother and that they are completely different, however Matt is very similar to Rhys (his real brother) and they are starting to bond over their human qualities. Wendy is starting to feel left out and abandoned by Matt, which is causing her to drift further apart from him. She is in a bit of a dilemma though, she wants to fit in with the "humans" more than anything so she can stay close to her brother but then on the other hand she couldn't be more different than them and she doesn't want any part of human life or their lifestyle. Other than this whole jealousy problem she is dealing with, Finn has left her once again, leaving her distraught and betrayed. Wendy loves Finn and she knows that he loves her back which is the hardest thing for her because she can't understand why someone who loves her would ever leave her over and over again. She is feeling all these feeling (betrayal, jealousy, anger, sadness, disappointment) and at the same time she has to decide wether or not she wants to be the queen of the Trylle or of the Vittra. They are also trolls but they are evil, they use their powers for the worst things like death and manipulation, torture and control. Wendy's father, Oren, is the king of the Vittra making her his only heir to the throne. The reason why she is the only heir to the throne is because there is a curse of infertility past on through the Vittra, no woman who is part of the Vittra can conceive a child, the only reason that Wendy was born was because her mother was a Trylle (good troll) so the curse did not affect her. Another curse in the Vittra is the curse of the goblins, when by odd chance a Vittra women is able to conceive a child the child is born as a hideous goblin, with hairy ears and a huge nose as well as green skin and many warts. Even though the curses in the Vittra are awful, the Vittra would never become Trylle as they are all brainwashed by Oren, he tells them that violence is the key to survival and that peace is for the weak.
All in all I am loving this book and I can't wait to read more of it!


Roseanne who is severely pregnant need urgent help. So with a lot of courage and faith in religion and god heartedness she set out walking from her house kilometres and kilometres to find Tom her ex husband. In my point of view these next couple of pages have been very depressing as we see a woman who had her life all planned out and for once she was happy and in a blink her whole life everything that was familiar  was taken away violently  by all sorts of people. How an innocent girl has seen only the cruel side of life and has experienced rare moments of joy. Roseanne is forced to age quickly and is forced to doubt human kind and the reason worth living. She reflects on the civilisation and her little hope has been taken away. Toms mother has sent Roseanne away and she is walking back to home in a dangerous and lively storm. Her only chance is getting back home. As always Roseanne had no luck and when she is in the heart of the storm on a rocky path she awakes from her moment drift aways and realises that acute pains are arising suddenly blood is flowing down her legs and a head, should, stomach is appearing. Roseanne is screaming for the help of God. If i was Roseanne I could not live a day in her life i admire her but also pity her greatly. Roseanne  so exhausted falls bag asleep with her child against the rocks but this time when she wakes up her baby is gone but the blood is still there. Roseanne who had a terrible childhood still feels a mother instinct and care for the child she is worried and preoccupied and almost as if an answer from God she heard an ambulance that came to her to rescue her.  Roseanne gets sent to hospital with operations and treatment the bleeding stopped but her child no where to be found. The evil Fr Gaunt shows up telling Roseanne she is moving to a place where she will be taken care of. Roseanne is sent to a mental hospital were she vaguely recalls seeing Tom and his Mother. Eneas Jack's brother arrived in uniform to greet Roseanne and inform her that their son was there. As they were standing together with their beloved child Roseanne faith and colour in her face reappeared. For me this was a happy moment even though this is only a book and not my life, I have been following the life of Roseanne and as a result of grown to establish her as a person in my mind. " I suppose we measure the importance of our days by those few angels we spy among us, and yet aren't like them."

I finally finished "Great expectations"

I finally finished "Great expectations". I find that it's an incredible book, written in a spectacular way. The language used by the author is really complex and detailed, which made it a lot harder to me and caused me to take a long time to read it. I really recommend it to you, because the story is very interesting and a lot of new things are happening all the time so it doesn't get boring.

C.R.A. part 1

Crazy Rich Asians (part 1)

'Nowhere in the world are there to be found people richer than the Chinese' Iba Butata (14th century)

Hey there! Peter here! I am currently reading 'Crazy Rich Asians'. I have already reviewed the theme of this book in the last chapter so in this blog, I am going to tell you about the first part of the story (the main plot without subplots however the subplots are interesting as well).

Rachel Chu finally agreed with Nicholas to attend a Nick's friend's wedding with him in Singapore. When they arrived at the airport, Rachel boarded Nicholas's private jet. She was stunned by the grand display of wealth in Nick's plane. The front section of the plane contains 12 suites. Rachel was led into a cabin that was consisted of two huge flat-screen TV,  hand-switched arm-chair, leather chairs, hidden wardrobes behind wooden sliding panels. This is only the start of her journey into the world of millionaires.

While Rachel is on her way to Singapore, Nicholas's mom, Eleanor Young was worried about her son's girlfriend. She was worried about her status. To these traditional-rich Chinese, the social status of people are very significant and if other people have a low status (middle class or lower), the traditional-rich Chinese will hold a lot of contempt against them. Eleanor Young thought she was from a low-class Chinese family that migrated to the U.S. She sent out spies to find out about Rachel's family. When she heard that there is someone willing to give her some crucial information on Rachel, she traveled to China to meet that person.

Nick's friends (about to get married) came to the airport to welcome Nick and Rachel. They were very friendly towards Rachel and Rachel loved them. However, they didn't know that they are one of the richest people in the whole world.

The next day, Rachel went to her friend's house. Her friend was very rich as well however, they are the new-rich family. Rachel found out that her friend's house was made like the Versailles Palace in France. Later that day, Nick wanted Rachel to come to his grandmother's house so that he could introduce Rachel to his grandmother. When her friend dropped Rachel at Nick's grandmother's house, her friend was astonished by the size of the mansion. She told Rachel that her family's wealth is nothing compared to this...

Mourning Ruby holiday book

The novel "mourning Ruby" by Helen Dunmore was extremely good since it showed depth and got more and more interesting towards the end. In the beginning I was not at all convinced that it was a good book though since it was very boring with a lot of description and no actions going on. Throughout the book the reader travels through time constantly, since the plot is about an "orphan" growing up. The novel is briefly about a young 30 year old mother who was laid in a shoebox in front of an italien restaurant as an infant and left there as an orphan, this newborn child (Rebecca) is now thirty years later a very successful singer and has children herself. She is searching for the truth in her family and trying to find her true origins. 
The book is very touching and deep, it is not very exciting tough, i still recommend it. 

1984 pt5

After several betrayals by people that Winston trusted, he is brought to the Ministry of Love to be tortured and after having to face his biggest fear, he betrays Julia and tells on her, which he leads to her torture. The Party made Winston believe that his beliefs were a disease that could be cured.
At the end of the novel, Winston finds himself cheering on with the rest of the crowd for the Big Brother, and he walks off, happy with his new-found love.
The Party, with all its power, managed to brainwash Winston.

I enjoyed the book a lot, although it was a bit static in some parts and I would recommend it .
It is a brilliant idea that the book is based on, and also very pessimistic about the future at the time which is now our reality in some ways.
I have started to read more of my book and I am really excited for the ending of the book because i want to know what happens really badly. :D

Animal farm chapter 3

All animals on the farm have a summer filled with labour and hard work so that they can provide themselves with food. The pigs, the most clever animals on the farm, devise an appropriate plan according to the harvesting capacity of each animal, they try and use the human tools which is slightly bizarre as they all agreed upon the complete removal of all objects that reminded of the men that once enslaved them. Nevertheless, this work and clever system that they have made have forced the farm's producing levels to exceed any limit that it had ever done before. Boxer, the strongest and most powerful animal on the farm, took care of most of the heavy lifting and created his own motto: "I will work harder" to force him to work at his full capacity without fail. Only Mollie and the cat avoided their daily duties. To all, this new system seemed perfectly fair and effectively paid off, but only one animal did not agree upon this; Benjamin. To him this felt like there was no change under their new leadership.

Every Sunday, the animals have a flag-raising ceremony. It has a green background and a white representation of a hoof and horn in the middle. The flag’s green background represents the fields of England, and its white hoof and horn symbolise the animals. The morning rituals also include a democratic meeting, at which the animals debate and establish new policies and rules for the farm. At the meetings, Snowball and Napoleon always voice the loudest opinions, though their ideas are always different.

Snowball decides to set several committees which include:
  • Cleaning the cows tails
  • educating the rats and the rabbits
Most of the committees she set up failed to have any success but the education of literacy and writing obtained something the positive. By the end of the summer all of the farm animals knew how to read and write to some extent which was useful for the animals so that they could communicate in silence and read what was going on in newspapers.

Napoleon takes no interest in Snowball’s committees. When the dogs Jessie and Bluebell each give birth to puppies, he takes the puppies into his own care, saying that the training of the young should take priority over adult education. He raises the puppies in a loft above the harness room, out of sight of the rest of Animal Farm. Around this time, the animals discover, to their outrage, that the pigs have been taking all of the milk and apples for themselves. The pigs try and explain that apples and milk help them concentrate, and since they are doing all the brainy work they need those foods. In the end they finally manage to convince the other farm animals.