Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I finished "Looking for Alaska" early this holiday and it was a pretty good book, if I had to rate it, I would give it a 7/10. Miles is the young boy that goes to Culver Creek and falls in love with a girl names Alaska and they have a solid friendship but you can tell that they like each other in a romantic way. Right before a huge tragedy they were kissing in a bed but then suddenly she got a text and she stormed out and got in her car and after having one too many drinks, she dies in a car crash. Her death is right in the middle of the book and that part made me loose interest a bit but I continued reading anyways. Alaska's two best friends are Miles and the Colonel (his nickname) and after her death they set out on a mission to find out why she actually died, and whether or not she wanted to commit suicide, then they give up and accept the fact that she is dead and move on with life. One of their friends, Takumi, then tells them that he found out that she didn't commit suicide, she had just forgotten the anniversary of her mothers death and stormed off in the car while being intoxicated. They plan the most amazing prank ever witnessed by their school in honour of Alaska. After getting closure on this situation they then pull the most amazing prank that the school and ever witnessed.

I gave it a 7/10 because I don't like main characters dying in the middle books and the beginning was good but then after her death the book just dragged on, I was kind of forcing myself to finish the book.

Miles- he developed a lot dunning the book, he started off as a guy with no friends and no stories to tell and then turned into a guy that is more social and has a lot of friends and takes risks to have fun.

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