Sunday, January 11, 2015


WOAHHHHHH ! I have finally finished the secret scripture one week ago. I have established rather a love hate relationship towards the book but as a whole the book is a fabulous story that i highly recommend but to perseverant and quite regular readers. With its complicated stories and two different narraters it is a challenging book  to read however it has opened me up to the world of reading which is quite a challenging thing to do ! The book has had numeral plots, climaxes and its share of depressing and heart recking pages. As this book is based in the past and present we discover how harshly women were judged, viewed and treated and how what happens in your past if it is traumatic will follow you and burden you for the rest of your life. This book mainly shows perseverance as the main protagonist of the story Roseanne had the worst child hood filled with evil, cruelty and despair and how she never gave up even in the most depressing events. Perseverance was also shown how one man Dr Green would not give up on his quest to find the reason behind  why Roseanne was committed to the hospital and if she would be strong enough to survive in civilisation by herself. All long the way we have discovered that even if you are a holy person and dedicate your self to religion you are certainly not mother Theresa and have the same opinion has any other standard man. Women were treated as robots, always there we needed, always happy, always having to complete the wishes of there husband and always miss judges and criticised. Roseanne was thought to be unfaithful when she was walking with a man up a mountain merely talking. We also see how in a flash your whole world can be taken away from your dragged under neat your feet and you are left with nothing this being demonstrated with Roseanne. Who was shut away and looked upon in disgust. Finally the best part of the book was the ending one of the most jaw dropping and gripping experience where we discover that Dr Greene was adopted by his "parents" and is biological mother is in fact Roseanne ........

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