Sunday, January 18, 2015

Private Peaceful 4

So much has happened during the book as I have advanced the book has come to life really expanding the story line. After the death of Tommo's father, the Colonel came to pay a visit to the cottage of the Peaceful's and tell them that as he owns the land and the cottage that he would suggest that either Mrs Peaceful comes and works for him at his mansion to be a ladies maid for his wife or that they evacuate the cottage. So the mother of Tommo is forced to leave and work however as a result the bad Grandma Wolf comes to stay with the children and as expected she is a terrible creature. The new friend of the Peaceful boys is called Molly the same girl that Tommo is introduced to his first day of school we find out that she is living under very strict conditions. Charlie, Tommo, Molly and Big Joe become best friends. Big Joe can relate well to Molly and she takes a motherly role over him. As day by day goes by Grandma Wolf dominated the house and the Peaceful's life always making derogatory comments on how her daughter married underneath her and how she was a nuisance just like a her children. These comments really get underneath my skin. Grandma Wolf is mean to Big Joe and that is unforgivable as he is a handicap whats even worse is that if somebody sticks up for him that person has a direct slap across the face. In the book Charlie and tommo as well as Molly help out the family with fishing and hunting with a secret plan not to get caught. As  ritual they walked back from school together and too school as well as swimming in a lake all together. During the novel we sense a crush from the part of Tommo towards Molly however like in To Kill A MockingBird age is a problem and sooner than later Tommo is feeling left out because Molly and Charlie are advancing on into High school. A huge moment or relief happens when the wife of the colonel dies and one of her wishes is always to accommodate the Peaceful's with their cottage so Mrs Peaceful leaves the job and Grandma Wolf leaves. As she and the colonel have always gotten on well she is asked to be the housekeeper of the manor to replace Mrs Colonel. In only a blink of an eyes she has the colonel wrapped around her little finger. Later school is finished for Molly and Charlie and as everybody else they go and work for the colonel. Now Tommo feels left out and when the two return from work they are tired and only have inside jokes. Another interesting part of this book is that in-between chapters you have a sentence with a title of time and that only say a couple of words that suggests that the narrater is somewhere else not in a nice place reflecting on the past.

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