Sunday, January 11, 2015

Privare Peaceful 2

As I have finsihed the secret scripture ! I am moving onto private peaceful I have already done a post on  the beginning and introduction of the book as well as  the first scenes. I believe I ended the post when Tommo or Thomas Peaceful arrives at school dreading every moment of it. He gets put into lines and gets an awful first meeting with the dreaded and feared teacher Mr Munnings. We see a mean side of him I believe the only side of him and we understand the initial fears of Tommo. Mr Munnings adds to Tommo's fears : pointing him out and singling him out in front of the whole school then goes on about how Tommo whom he has never met before will bring to his woes and finally how he is the master and every one bows to him. These lines see almost as a dictatorship which is surprising coming from a primary school teacher who is supposed to be a sweet and gentle person, at least that is the stereo type of a primary teacher. Tommo arrives into class and with the first instant of separation with his brother Charlie he feels alone which shows us that he is does not have a lot of experience in the world how everything is new and fearful. Tommo is seated next to the eldest girl of the class and when his teacher Miss McAllister points out that his shoelace is undone a wave of nervousness appears as Tommo does not know how to tie his shoelaces and how he is dependant on his brother help. Finally Molly shows him and later on when in break time he tests his knowledge and manages to tie his laces. This demonstrates that Tommo is utterly dependant on his brothers. However this also shows us that Tommo surpasses his lack of knowledge and quickly absorbs the skill. This proves that his brain is like a sponge that he is rather on the ball.

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