Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Count of Monte Cristo

As I previously said, I am reading the book "The Count of Monte Cristo". I have already read quite far and I love it. It is very interesting and full of adventure. What happened so far is that the main character was betrayed by these three men who he considered as friends. They were very jealous of him for various reasons and decided to put him in prison for his political views. In prison, he met this priest, who was considered crazy for thinking there is a huge treasure hidden on a very small island in the region. The two figured out a plan to escape, but the priest, Faria, had a heart attack and was sick and died not much later. I am not going to spoil what happens next, in case you want to read the book yourselves, but I definitely recommend it. It is not only very "fast flowing" and despite that it is easy to read, it is also very beautifully written. It is a translation from French so each edition is written in a different way, but I do like the one I picked up a lot. There is also the theme of revenge, which has already started to show where I am right now, but I am guessing that it is going to get more and more powerful as I continue.

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