Thursday, April 30, 2015

"Finding Sky" by Joss Stirling

I have finished this book. It was an amazing book with such an amazing plot. The characters were so vivid and the author really brought them to life. Sky was kidnapped by some evil savants, they took her all the way to Las Vegas. Zed and the rest of his family came to her rescue but it was too late one of the savants had already brain washed her into thinking that Zed had kidnapped her and that he was a bad person. They managed to rescue her but she was confused about what had happened for a few weeks and she had to go to a mental facility. Once she finally went back home, Zed and his family used all their powers on her to undo the damage that the evil savant had done including the information about her past that she had locked away.  Sky found her powers by unlocking her troubled past. Her power is pretty special, she can tell of someone is lying and peoples emotions. She doesn't get direct words but she sees colours so if someone lies then their colour would be a sickly yellow, if someone is happy it will be a light orange glow. After she found her powers she realised that Zed truly was her soulfinder and she felt like everything inside her clicked in to place. She knew that he was her one priority in life and she accepted the fact that they were going to be together forever. 

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