Tuesday, March 8, 2016

'Circe and the Cyclops' by Homer, summary, analysis, and thoughts on the book

I have finished reading my black book, Circle and the Cyclops by Homer. The book takes you on the journey of Odysseus and his men. Odysseus narrowly escapes being killed by a Cyclops. Odysseus and is men find a home of Aeolus, master of the winds, for a month before he decides to continue his journey home. With the help of Aeolus’s pouch that captured the winds that may drive them off course, they set sail. During the ten day journey Odysseus falls asleep and his curious men open the pouch handed to hum by Aeolus, this caused the master of wind to refuse help them anymore. With no wind favoring them, the Greek men were forced to row and appear at Laestrygonians where they meet giants that attack them suddenly by throwing large boulders at their ship, and killing many of Odysseus’s crew. Only Odysseus’s vessel escapes and sails to the island of Aeae, home to the beautiful yet dangerous goddess Circe who poison, and capture many of Odysseus’s men. Odysseus manages to overcome her powers by receiving help from Hermes, son of Zeus. Hermes gives him a herb called Moly, which protected Odysseus from Crice’s poison, amd allowed him to het his men back.

Circle and the Cyclops is a very gripping story about Greek mythology and the idea of narrowly escaping death adds a sense of curiosity and fear in the readers, which really attracts us deep into the story of Odysseus and his crew.

Throughout the book, Odysseus shows many signs of judgment and courageousness. His men told him not to instigate the Cyclops, as well as not to go visit Crice, the beautiful which. Odysseus ignored this advice and due to his ignorance, he managed to save his men in those two scenarios. However his success is also due to the help of the gods as without Aeae, he would not have had a place to stay and without Hermes, he would not have been able to withstand Circe’s poison and rescue his men.

The way the book is written has an effect on the readers, as it is very poetic at times. At times of courageousness or confidence, this poetic structure adds a 
wavy flow to the lines and engages the readers into the book, as well as helps them understand the storyline more Cleary.

In conclusion, I enjoyed the book very much and it really inspired be to read more stories about ancient Greek mythology. It also engaged me very well due to the storyline of how Odysseus and his men always, narrowly, escaped death, and the poetic structure which added a nice flow, and helped me understand the language and storyline better.

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