Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Great Gatsby pt3

At this point in the novel, Tom brought Nick to this gas stop that lays in between West Egg and New York: an abandoned valley of ashes. There, they attend a party at Tom's mistress's house, which ends horribly wrong and violently too due to an exaggerated consumption of alcohol. Further on in the story, Nick receives an invitation to one of Gatsby's famously opulent parties and he attends. Carraway is surprised by the luxury of the party and by Gatsby's wealth. Even more surprising is that no one seems to know whom Gatsby is; everyone speculates about his wealth and his background, but nobody really knows the generous host. Everyone is a stranger to Gatsby. Finally, a man that seems familiar to Nick introduces himself as Jay Gatsby, and that is when they meet. The two of them, and Jordan, go on to talk very briefly. The party ends and Nick returns to his ordinary home and life, almost as though being at the party stopped time. Everyone let these inhibitions free during these parties, and forgot about the rest of the world for the night.

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