Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Ascend" by Amanda Hocking

I am at the climax of the book now. The Vittra are now about to attack the Trylle to see who will be the dominant race of their species. The Vittra King has now realised that Loki has completely betrayed him and that Loki has been a spy for a long time for the Trylle and that Loki is now in love with Oren's (Vittra King) daughter. The Trylle have been preparing for this attack for a long time they have fully trained all of the trackers to fight and now they have their most powerful weapon, Wendy. She can now move and pick things up with her mind, she can hear peoples thoughts and she can "mind slap" people. A mind slap is basically slapping someone but you slap away their intelligence so they are completely blank for about an hour or so. They have no thoughts or feeling for that amount of time, they are basically brain dead. She can also persuade people to do anything she wants, though Wendy struggles a lot on how to use her powers as she doesn't want to hurt anybody and she has a good heart. Wendy struggles between her duty as Queen and as one of the most powerful Trylle to exist and following her heart and her morals. 
Now that Wendy understands that her Kingdom is her duty she is ready to take on Oren. Oren is extremely vicious and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. What also doesn't help is that he is nearly immortal as he is one of the last full blooded Vittra to be born, he is nearly one hundred years old. He ages very slowly and heals very quickly, making it extremely hard to kill him. So the Trylle have their work cut out for them, though they have heard rumours that their might be a revolution in the Vittra as many people don't like the way Oren rules, so maybe they will be able to help the Trylle fight. This book is amazing and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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