Sunday, February 1, 2015

Private Peaceful 7

Bertha the dog that was shot by the evil Colonel is being buried where all the other animals were buried of Big Joe. All of them were to angry to grieve thus did not lay flowers neither did they sing hymns. Big Joe was fascinated by the idea of heaven how it was like up there and every time mother always said that it was were all the good souls were at peaked and how Bertha was going to go up to heaven and meet father. These remarks touched Big Joe. That evening after the burial Big Joe went missing, the Peaceful's were not worried at first because Big Joe always wandered off my himself and always came back. It was starting to get late and Big Joe was afraid of the dark so the Peaceful's started to get worried, the began searching. They all went in different directions and searched in the orchard and around the woods but nothing. Charlie could recognise if it was B.J because when he was scared he would sing a wailing drone however there were no drones to be heard. As a reader these pages were very mysterious as I did not know the area the book was situated in very well so to understand every place where he could of been was a challenge. As the Peaceful's were so concerned they called the person in charge thus the Colonel and with the help of the vicar gathered all the villagers together to make a search and rescuer party. If B.J was found the church bell would ring. Every one set about to find B.K but no luck. I the reader was beginning to get worried as we all know that B.J has an illness thus for him to be by himself at night his not the best scenario. The next afternoon there was still no sign of B.J and now all the village was trimmed face and hopeless. Molly comforted Mrs Peaceful. Charlie was trying to think how B.J would and understand if he was upset or lonely were he would go. To me that was a very clever point of Charlie try to step inside the shoes of the person. He had an euphoric moment and realised that B.J wanted to be with Bertha and that there mother explained to B.J that Bertha was in heaven high in the sky. Charlie finally reached the conclusion to where B.J might be and ran towards the destination. It was the church tower the highest point and closest to Heaven in the whole village. He sprinted up all the stairs and found curled up in a ball,  B.J was pale and cold. He shook him and shook him praying he was alive and Charlie immediately rang the church bell and announced the good news.  Everyone gathered even Grandma Wolf and they all cheered.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very encouraged how you include a strong response to the events you describe: Charlie's 'euphoric moment' is a good example.
