Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb

Being born a bastard is unpleasant. Being born a royal bastard is worse: all the fancy titles, the royal education, the privileges, all gone. It even extends to not having a name. However, a royal bastard is not to be underestimated, for they can carry out useful tasks; tasks such as assassinations. The Assassins Apprentice speaks of a royal bastard given the name Fitz at six years old when no name had been chosen. Fitz’s father, Prince Chivalry was next in line to the throne, however, having produced a bastard, Chivalry was humiliated and pressured, which led to him stepping down and eventually being murdered. Fitz grows, and people around him soon realize that he is not only smart, but also a very useful asset. King Shrewd buys Fitz’s loyalty and turn him into a Royal assassin.

I greatly enjoyed this book. It had many adventures and displays a perfect fictional balance. The book has many undermining plots, assassination attempts, magic, and interesting characters. I finished book 1 called the Assassins Apprentice and now I am already well into book 2 Royal Assassin. I greatly recommend this fictional series as I really enjoy entering the world of war, magic, and murder! I would given it a 7/10, for I have read better in this domain, but I still very much like the books. I will keep posting about Book 2 of the Farseer Trilogy. 

Theo Clive-Worms

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Our man in Havana

Since I loved the novel "The tenth man", I decided to try out another of Graham Greene's novels. I came across "Our man in Havana". This is the book I am currently reading. It is a lot longer than the one I had read before, as well as, in my opinion, less interesting.

The story takes place in Havana. The main character is a vacuum cleaner retailer, named James Wormold, who is asked to become a spy for the British secret services. His wife had
left him and he is living with his sixteen year old daughter, Milly, who is spoiled and very materiallistic. Since, he isn't earning enough money to support both of them, he decides to accept the job and become a spy as his "side job".

He only tells two of his friends about his secret and decides to keep it from his daughter. Since he knows nothing about being a spy, the man fakes all his reports and makes up "partners". After he realizes that his plan is working, he

Sunday, November 29, 2015

I recently finished reading the book "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. I took me a while to get through it, but it was worth it.
The book has 2 love stories in it; one between Jane and Charles and the one between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. The more recognised one is the one between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is the second daughter of Mr and Mrs Bennet, she is the most sensible and intelligent and very down to earth. On the other hand, Mr Darcy is a rich gentleman from a wealthily family that is self conceded and a bit arrogant. Mr Darcy never falls for the lower class but he ended up falling in love for Elizabeth Bennet and he exposes his feelings to her. As Elizabeth judged his wrongly, she does not accept his offer for marriage but then afterwards realises that she loves him too. They eventually get married in the end.

I really enjoyed this book because it is a very different kind of love story to the ones that I usually read because of the separation of the upper class and the lower class. Being rich is what defines you during that time, so that is how people decided who they were going to marry.
I liked the fact that I could feel the connection between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth from the get go. If i had no idea what the story was about when I ready it, I would have know that Elizabeth and Mr Darcy would have ended up together.

I would most definitely recommend this book to everyone that has a decent level in English.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles pt2

Since Tess's father is unable to go and pick his daughter up because of his drunkenness, Tess goes in search of her father and mother. In this chapter, Mrs D'Urberville reveals to Tess that she has been diagnosed with a serious heart condition: this introduces the topic of astrology and superstition. At the moment, a lot of information is being revealed and many topics are being introduced such as the ones mentioned previously and the topic of purity (first shown at the May Dance).

Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

I have recently started this book by Thomas Hardy, the same author of The Mayor of Casterbridge. An uneducated and poor family in rural England, the Durbeyfields, finds out that they may have noble blood and their name is actually D'Urbervilles. Meanwhile, the eldest daughter of this family, Tess, is at the May Dance where she meets a boy but due to bad timing they're unable to dance together. I am quite taken by this novel and will hopefully be able to finish it this term, so I'll keep you all updated as the story progresses.

The tenth man

The Tenth Man

The novel The tenth man was the first book I read this term. The story takes place in France, where one in ten prisoners is executed. Once the prisoners are told this rule, it is up to them to choose who will be the one to die. There are no volunteers so, in order to avoid conflict, they decide to draw lots. One of the chosen men is a rich lawyer. Therefore he offers the others a deal: If any of them agrees to take his place and die instead, their family will receive all his fortune. Surprisingly, one of the prisoners accepts the deal. A few years pass and the lawyer is released. However, he now has to face the life in Paris with no money, nor a home. This is very difficult, therefore he decides to visit his old house and see whether somebody lives there (presumably the family of the executed prisoner). He uses a false identity and begins work there. He is offered a salary, as well as a place to live. Will the family realise that he is to blame for the death of their relative?

I enjoyed this book so much for many reasons. Firstly, it is fairly easy to read, the language is not too sophisticated, as well as it is easy to follow. Furthermore, there is so much action happening and there is so much suspense that the interest of the reader is present at all times. There aren't too many descriptions either. The story is very interesting and the reader has no idea what will happen until the end. There is also a plot twist.

I strongly encourage you to read this book, because it is truly interesting and you will finish it very quickly.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

"Stung" by Joss Stirling

I am reading the book Stung right now and I am nearly finished. I am really enjoying this book. It has got so much action in it so it never gets boring and the story line is amazing. You never know whats going to happen next!

The book is about a girl called Kate who used to be a part of a secret spy association for teenagers (YDA) until she had a mission in Jakarta that went horribly wrong. Her partner completely turned on her and she ended up being framed for several murders which were actually done by the Scorpions which is a huge gang of murderers, kidnappers and drug dealers. She had been on the run for 2 years until Nathan was assigned by the YDA to track her down and bring her back to there. Nathan eventually found her. It was hate at first sight. Kate couldn't think of anything worse than going back to the people who thought that she was a murderer and kept trying to escape from Nathan though eventually he talked some sense into her. She then started to listen to him and he told her that the YDA wanted her to be safe and to make sure that she was ok. Kate then explained what had happened in Jakarta and added that she thought that there might be a double agent in the YDA working for the Scorpions...

The rest of the story revolves around the mystery of who the double agent might be and romance between Nathan and Kate.

I am absolutely loving this book and I really can't wait to find out who the double agent might be. I recommend this book mainly to girls as there is some romance in it although there is a lot of action and mystery in it as well.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Go Set A Watchman Setting

The city of Macomb in Alabama is described very similarly in Go Set A Watchman to its description in To Kill A Mockingbird. In fact, it is one of the aspects that has not changed in the book, with some descriptions being almost word to word. When Jean Louis returns the south, she describes: "Over her breakfast coffee, she watched the last of Georgia's hills recede and the red earth appear, and with it tin-roofed houses set in the middle of swept yards, and in the yards the inevitable verbena grew, surrounded by whitewashed tires". This is the firs description of the book and therefore shows that the setting of the south is a significant element to the book. There is a small aspect of mystery in the description of the south, as Mr Fred explains: "The longer I stayed away the more I missed Maycomb. I got to the point where I felt like I had to come back or die. You never get it out of your bones." 

Although most of these physical looks did not change, Maycomb has changed in terms of the people that reside there. This may be because people changed due to World War Two. However, despite this, there are still hits on the American Civil War. As Uncle Jack explains "No war was ever fought for so many different reasons meeting in one reason clear as crystal. They fought to preserve their identity. Their political identity, their personal identity."

The setting of Maycomb also seems to be attractive to Jean Louise more than simply being the city of her past. Her saying "After I pushed back I realized I'd become a part of it" is often can suggest her being ready to be part of Maycomb once again. 

The few changes of setting that do occur in Maycomb are seen as negative Jean Louise. We find out that Atticus had built a new house after the death of Jem. This might suggest that Jean Louise is more attached to the past than Atticus. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A History Of Cyprus: General topics

The first inhabitants of Cyprus were those during the Neotholic Age, approximately eight thousand and two hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Since, the island has also been inhabited by humans.

During the Iron age, Cyprus was conquered many times and experienced short periods of freedom in between. Eventually, the island fell under Persian domination and subjection, struggling for freedom. However, with the help of the Greeks, the islanders managed to gain freedom and organise their own independent kingdoms.

However, it was not long before Alexander the Great took control of Cyprus (around three hundred years before the birth of Christ) and his successors were later in power. The next ones were the Romans. But the Roman were particularly important to the History of the country, it is under them that the spread of Christianity spread, something that most Cypriots are still proud of today.

Cyprus was then part of the Byzantine empire and later under Frankish rule, with the threat of Muslim Turkey nearby. In fact, Islam grew on the island even more when it became part of the Ottoman empire. But being in a strategic position, Cyprus became part of the British Empire in 1914. This was as agreed in return for British protection of Turkey from the Russians, who were always a threat.

The Cypriots fought for the British Empire during the two world wars, but no no fighting took place on the island, with it seeming to small for the big scale wars. However, many people wanted independence after those wars. This eventually ended in an armed struggle, with Greek Nationalist groups demanding a union with Greece. This immediately put Turkey on alert.

However, the Zurich and London Agreements were signed, creating the Republic of Cyprus in 1960, a democratic independent state. The flag of this country was chosen by a citizen contest, with it not allowed to have any blue (which would represent Greece), red (as it represents Turkey), the Muslim moon and star or the Christian cross. Under the constitution, the President would be an ethnic a Greek and the Vice President a Turk. Additionally, seven ministers would be greeks and three Turks. The Parliament of this Presidential Republic, would have eighty seats, with fifty six being for greeks. The two official languages would be both Greek and Turkish. The British would however, still keep their military bases.

This principle worked well. However, the popularity of the first President, Archbishop Mariakos was rather low. This led to a coup by Greek Nationalists who seized power. The Turks said that this was a clear violation if the Zurich and London agreements. They then invaded the northern part of the island, which is around one third in total, including half of the capital, Nicosia. However, in a few weeks, the Mariakos government was back in power. The turks said they no longer trusted the Greeks and refused to return the land to the Republic of Cyprus, leading to international outage.

Turkey then granted independence to the Northern part of Cyprus, recognising it as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Ethnic and religious tensions were once again present. But the United Nations, negotiating with the two sides established a buffer zone between the two territories to prevent the outbreak of another war. Most Muslim Turks moved to Northern Cyprus and vice versa for the Christian Greeks.

Since then, Republic of Cyprus developed and later joined the European Union, with their Northern neighbours not doing as well. Since them, Cyprus remains a divided island, especially after a proposal was refused by Greek Cypriot voters to unify the island, as the people disagreed with the terms.  But new hope has come, Mustafa Akıncı has been elected as President of Northern Cypruthis year, who said he wishes to negoicate with Cyprus to unify the island... 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cambodia's Curse

This book is about the early history of Cambodia to the modern political situation. I am on page 100 so I am going to make a quick summary of what has happened.
 The book starts of explaining the history of the Cambodia to show how Cambodians were mentally and we learn that they were once a powerful empire with magnificent architectural monuments. But, everything goes wrong and the Cambodian became self-fish and it's neighbours saw it as weak and that the people were stupid. Thailand and Vietnam were going to conquer Cambodia but the king of Cambodia has asked France to protect them in return for resources.
 Later on, Cambodia's communist party known as the Khmer Rouge started to grow. This party was built by a group of Cambodians that had went to study in France and thought that the current political party was unjust which was somewhat true as it was corrupt. No one knew, that the khmer Rouge were going to be as aggressive as they turned out to be. 2 million people died during this genocide and most of the dead were intellectuals. The country then got freed by the vietnamese and they had put Hun Sen in power.
 After that, the UN had come to rebuild the country. It is one of the biggest aid plan that UN had ever organised. Billions of dollars was spent but the country was not really improving. The current prime minister is still Hun Sen and he would do anything to stay in power. There are democratic votes but people are scared to vote for the opposition because if they were rich their companies could be closed down if they voted for the oppositions. The people were also scared that if the opposition wins Hun Sen might declare and the Khmer Rouge genocide might happen again. So, fear was very important.
  This book is really interesting as it is about the country I'm from and I learn a lot from the Cambodian politics which I had no information about before reading this book. The Khmer Rouge part also gave me an image of how horrible the war was and how people were tortured. My family on my mum's side had been there during the Khmer Rouge. So, it is a really fin book to read and I hope to have more free time to read it.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Slated, fracture, shattered

The books I have read over the summer are slated, fractured and shattered all belonging to a trilogy. When I first started to read slated I wasn't particularly interested in the book, even as I was 50 or more pages into it, the book only started properly grabbing my attention when I was about 100 in but then I couldn't get my hands of it or the other two books that came after it. I finished the whole series in less than a week in fact. The books mainly talk about an oppressive government that had erased Kyla's ( the main characters )memories, but the anti-government forces had split her mind so that some memories remained. After she has been "slated," the extreme terrorists intend to use her as a suicide bomber. This left her with no other choice than to escape both groups, alter her appearance, change her name, and try to find her real roots, her biological mother. But as she gets closer to finding out who she actually is nothing is as she thought it would be or as it seems, including her former boyfriend, Ben. In this future, Kyla struggles to survive and is more and more determined to halt the psychological enslavement of others (which is being slated).The book is very diverse and holds a lot of information at once but nothing that happened was predictable and for me thats a very big factor which makes the difference between a book that grips you or one that you have to force yourself to read. I highly recommend the trilogy... It made my time at the beach relaxing a whole lot better :) 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

After reading sapphire blue which was again one of the less challenging books I have read I wanted to read something slightly more intellectual so even though I already know the story because of the movie I started reading Great Gatsby, and yes it is true that the book is another level compared to the movie.. It is very very good.. I haven't finished it yet but I hope that I will find time right after exams..

Great Gatsby was so good mainly since the characters were not only described so well  but chosen very carefully from the author, also when you read the book you have a lot more insight on the characters feelings etc.. The scenery was also described in a fascinating and beautiful way.. some party I re read 2-3 times. Even  though it was very attention grabbing the beginning was a little bit slow since it introduced Nick Carraway for a long time and didn't actually get to the point. All in all the book is extremely well written ( one of the best ones so far ). My favourite character is probably Daisy since she is described in a very sensitive way but also very smart ( a little bit like Blanche exept that she isn't crazy.) Everyone should read it, great book.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Frost Fire

After finishing Paper Towns, I decided to read 'Frost Fire' by Amanda Hocking. Frostfire is the first book of the Kanin Chronicles, the Kanin Chronicles are in the same world as the Trylle Chronicles. I have read many other books from Amanda Hocking for example Switched, Torn, and Ascend. I really enjoy the book, therefore i hope this series will be as good. The series main character is Bryn, a young, brave but has always been classed as an outclass as she looks different from the other people. This is because she is not fully a Kanin. Her mother was half sojare, so she has blond hair with blue eyes compared to the normal trolls that had dark skin with dark brown hair with green eyes.  The Kanins are the most powerful of all the troll tribes in the book. They have their specially trained guard known as the Högdragens meaning that they are most definitely powerful. The Kanins can change their skin colour to blend in their surroundings. Bryn is a tracker, although it is a lot harder as she doesn't have the Kanin abilities like other trackers. I am finding the book very engaging, i will continue to read it as i fell it is a really interesting and enjoyable read. If you have read the Trylle Series, then this will be perfect.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Most Powerful Man - Shōgun

The Most Powerful Man - Shōgun
Hey there! Peter here! Today when I took a break while studying, I managed to read further into the book and it became quite interesting. Here's the summary of what happened: 
Blackthorne arrived in Osaka with Hiro-matsu and Yabu. Osaka is a coastal Japanese city that was around 3 times bigger than London at that time. Rodrigues said that the forbidden capital, Kyoto, the city is even bigger. In fact, everything in Japan is enormous. Blackthorne thought about how the English would have a lot of trouble if Japan became catholic and sided with the Spanish. Blackthorne was taken into the Osaka castle which was also huge. The whole castle is a maze so that the invaders would have difficulty reaching the main keep. Finally, Blackthorne was brought upon the Shogun, Toranaga. The Shogun looked very big and strong. Blackthorne could feel the immeasurable amount of power this man has. The Shōgun used a Portuguese priest as a translator and began questioning Blackthorne. They mostly talked about the relationship between the English and the Spanish (and Portuguese since they were conquered). Blackthorne was calm and explained everything slowly but it seems that he had trouble trying to convey his message. The Shogun is somehow not happy with the answers he received. Blackthorne's suspicion fell on the priest since he is Portuguese. In the end, The Shogun ordered that Blackthorne is to be detained.

What I thought: This part has been one of the most meaningful part in the whole book. The Japanese people who met Blackthorne understood that he is a barbarian and didn't feel easy around him. However, the Shogun was on another level. He sees Blackthorne as a savage and gave Blackthorne a look of disgust. So far, it seems that he is siding with the priest and the Spanish. The Shogun could not understand the religious war between the English (Protestant) and the Spanish (Catholic) since he thought it was the same religion and that the reason to fight is really stupid. He also disdainfully, denounced Blackthorne and his country for having a woman (Queen Elizabeth I) as a ruler. Clearly, the Shogun of Japan is not an open-minded man. He could not imagine anything else other than his ideal.

The Kite Runner pt6

Although I haven't finished the novel yet it is definitely one of the most touching stories I have read and I was not expecting to like it this much when I picked it up from the shelf. So fifteen years after the marriage between Amir and Soraya, Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan in Peshawar asking him to come because "things can get better". Amir decides to go, and on is arrival he finds out that Ali was killed by a land mine and Hassan and his wife were also killed while trying to protect Amir and Baba's home from the Talibans. I am eager to read more of the book, after reading this awful and sad part. A great book that I recommend from the bottom of my heart.

The Kite Runner pt5

After having lived in California, Amir and his father but particularly the father, still don't feel at home. The father's constant melancholy of his new life is honestly heartbreaking; they were forced to leave their home, their country, their family and friends to start a new lonely life that neither of them were happy with. The one joyful thing left in Amir's life (apart from his education) was seeing Soraya Taheri, the girl he liked, every Sunday at the local flea market. Shortly after the marriage of the two, Baba dies.

kite runner pt4

Since the last time I posted, a lot has happened in Hassan and Amir's lives. The relationship of two boys drastically changes after Hassan gets raped by Atef on the kite running competition day and Amir witnesses it but never speaks of it. The boys grow apart until eventually Hassan and his father decide to leave. Five years later, the Soviet Union intervenes in Afghanistan, forcing Amir and his baba to runaway to Pakistan and then to California.

Alex Rider SnakeHead

As i continue reading through this very entertaining book we come across Alex rider creating a new identity so that he can sneak into a facility where they are producing genetically modified plants, however MI6 were looking through their files and found out some sort of secret is being kept between the Owners of this Facility and MI6 do not like coincidences so they are sending Alex Rider in to find out whats going on in the facility, and in exchange they will make the reporter who has been following Alex Rider stop snooping around the places he visits to find out more clues.

Life and Honor - Shōgun

Life and Honor - Shōgun
Hey there! Peter here! Since today is Sunday, I found some time to read Shōgun and decided to share what I've read with you. As the storm approaches, Rodrigues betrayed Blackthorne and tried to throw him off the galley. Unfortunately for him, Rodrigues was washed off the ship instead. He was taken by waves into the rocks. Blackthorne however didn't hold any grudges against Rodrigues and wanted to save him. Blackthorne went up to Hiro-matsu, who is in charge of this ship. After begging, Hiro-matsu agreed and they went towards the land. After they went on the land, they found Rodrigues stuck in a crevice. Yabu, the daimyo volunteered to help Blackthorne to earn his trust. Yabu believed that if he is able to convince Blackthorne to his side, he will become a very powerful daimyo. Yabu got down and held on to Rodrigues but the problem is that he could not get back up. His men tried helping him up. One of his men even sacrificed to help Yabu. Finally, Yabu got up with the body of Rodrigues. Blackthorne then had to follow Hiro-matsu's order and obediently go to Osaka with him to meet the most powerful man in the country, the Shōgun.

What I thought: This chapter is very important because it shows that the Japanese and Blackthorne had to work together to save Rodrigues. What really surprised is that Blackthorne wanted to save the man who tried to murder him. Could this be one of Blackthorn's weaknesses? However, there is a possibility that Rodrigues will help Blackthorne in the future to pay back his debt. This chapter also serves to highlight another cultural difference between the Western and the Japanese. Rodrigues warned Blackthorne before the journey that these samurais (Japanese soldiers) are dangerous. "They love to kill, Ingeles. It's their custom even to sleep with their swords." Blackthorne was quite surprised by this statement. On the other hand, the Japanese were very surprised when Blackthorne desperately want to save Rodrigues. "How could someone who had meekly allowed an enemy to piss on his back to save the life of an insignificant vassal." Yabu thought to himself. However, Blackthorne and Yabu worked together and succeeded in the rescue with hand communications (they can't speak the same language) and I found that very impressive. They came from a very different background but they still managed to succeed together.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Paper Towns

I finished reading, a book called Paper Towns by John Green. I have read two other books by him, the fault in our stars and looking for Alaska. Although this book let me down. I found it boring and almost plodding. The book was almost exactly like ‘looking for Alaska’. There were many things similar like the main female character and male character, the male best friend. The plot was almost exactly the same as well. Personally I enjoyed the fault in our stars better than this book. But I feel like he is repeating and not being original. Not only did this make the book bad but also there wasn’t much happening in the book, except for a lot of thinking and reflecting on minor events. I do not recommend this book as I found it very boring. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Animal Farm

So far I am enjoying the book very much. I love the way the progresses as you go along. For example, in the begging the animals were being controlled by humans, but eventually they managed to build their own community. This community then became more political in the sense that all the animals had their own place. It is like a hearty, with the Pigs at the top of this hierarchy, lead by Snowball and Napoleon.  But, of coarse, there can only be one supreme leader. This is shown when Snowball supposedly destroyed the windmill and Napoleon placed a death sentence upon him if he was to be found. The book reflects on the world as it is now and how political decisions are made. I find it very impressive as the author anger to portray this with animals rather than with humans. I am enjoying it very much, and I hope to finish it soon. It an amazing book!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Count of Monte Cristo

I also wanted to copy paste a few lines from the book to show the beauty of the language used and how nicely the author has written it:

“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.” 

It is one of my favourite parts in the book so far and I find it so beautiful and inspiring.

The Count of Monte Cristo

I have been posting quite often so you already know more or less what my book is about, as well as the fact that I like it very much. I just want to say why that is so I can give you a better vision on why it is special and better than other books. 

First of all, the book starts really strong. Unlike most other books where the introduction and the first few chapters are extremely long and usually makes you not want to keep on reading, in this novel the suspense is introduced straight form the beginning which I find is a really good thing. Edmond is put into jail only in the first three or four chapters which really encourages the reader to continue with the novel.
Another thing I love about The Count of Monte Cristo is the plot. I prefer realistic books and it is really good how despite the fact that there is adventure, there is suspense and there is mystery it is not  all fiction and it makes it easier to relate to it, understand it and to fully "dive" into the story and imagine it more clearly. I also like how there is a moral of the story and it can teach us a lot about real life. It also helps us know that the people you think are your friends might not be as loyal as you think. It also introduces the motif of jealousy and how it causes people to take terrible actions. 

Most importantly, you should read this book because the story is AMAZING! It is incredible how so many things happen in every chapter and it is only very rarely that there might be a boring part. The book often leaves you wondering what is going to happen next and can be very unpredictable. It is also creative, as many of the ways that Edmond gets revenge are very unusual ways. Also his escape from the prison was so original and that makes it more interesting as well. The characters are well-portrayed and we get to know them very well. I also like the fact that there are no certain positive or negative characters, but the author (Alexandre Dumas) has left it to the reader to decide who he supports and likes and who he doesn't.

I am saying it again, I really recommend this book!

"Misty Falls" by Joss Stirling

I have nearly finished my book Misty Falls, its getting really good. Misty has been kidnapped by Alex's evil uncle John. John is a savant who has never found his soulfinder so he went over to the dark side and started to use his powers for bad. He can make things or people disappear or die with just the touch of his fingers with this power he is one of the most dangerous savants in the whole world. Over the last few years he had been using his powers to get money by kidnapping and using other much younger savants to help him get richer. Misty has just woken up from her trance that John has put her in and as he is so powerful he has blocked her ability to talk to her soul finder so she can't warn him where she is.

I can't wait to read what happens next!!

The count of Monte Cristo

I am going to tell you about what I read today. Edmond, pretending to be "The Count of Monte Cristo" attends a ball organized by Albert de Morcerf who is the son of the Mercédès, Edmond's previous fiancée before his stay in jail. The two really loved each other, but since they were separated, she married another man and had a son. There, The Count of Monte Cristo is the center of attention and what puzzles many of the guests and most importantly, Mercédès, is that he refuses to eat anything that he has been offered. They wonder if it is because he dislikes the food and try to propose other dishes to him but yet he doesn't have anything. He mentions an Arabic tradition that if you eat under somebody else's roof, that makes you eternal friends. That obviously hints to the author the real reason behind, but the woman doesn't understand. She asks him nervously if they are friends and he says they are. 

This is an interesting moment in the book, because it makes us see what the relationship and the attitude of Mercédès is towards the Count of Monte Cristo, who she cannot recognise as her past beloved man and the man she was very close to getting married to. We can see the attraction between the two, despite the fact that with his new identity he seems to be cold to everybody else. She is married and has children, but there is a very strong connection between the two. That shows us the power of their love and that their paths crossed again and even though the man completely changed the way he looks and in a way how he acts as well, they ended up meeting again and feeling the same attraction they felt before. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I had started to read Othello, the play, its a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, it speaks of two lovers, Othello and Desdemona. But, I did find it very hard to understand what the text was saying most of the time. This made me slightly frustrated when I read it each time and I soon didn't find it enjoyable to read but more as a challenging task. I read to about page 30 and then decided to quit reading the book. I think that this could be an interesting class read though, since it is considered one of the best books by William Shakespeare and it would be easier to understand in class.

Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz

About a week ago i started to read a new book called Snakehead
It is a very action packed book about a 14 year old boy who goes undercover as one of MI6's operatives, this boy's name is Alex Rider and he was on vacation with his friend and her parents and during one point of the vacation their car wheel was shot by a sniper bullet and it veered off the road into the freezing cold lake. They all managed to escape the car with the help of Alex Rider, and then he flew back to England where he said goodbye to his friend. 2 weeks later a man approaches Alex's house and tells him he knows about everything he's done with MI6 and wants to make it into a story to help Alex. Now Alex is in trouble, because he might be revealed to the whole world about the missions he went on and MI6 does to people like him. Will he be able to keep the secret in? That's one of the many questions i am asking myself as i read on this amazing action filled book.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

 I'm not scared by Niccolo Ammaniti

  This book is a real classic, and is very famous. I didn't know at start what quite to expect; everybody was telling me how thrilling and disturbing it was. Half way through the book I thought that the 'thing'  that was the disturbing part happened, and I was just curious to find out what would then happen. At this point I was completely gripped to the book, and I was surprised, thrilled, and shocked to find out that the disturbing part of the story happens at the very end.

  This is definitely one of the best books that I have ever read, not only is a light read, but its also as exhilarating and thrilling as the reviews say it is. I read this book recently, and very quickly, I couldn't recommend it more.
Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson

Over the Easter holiday I re-read the Percy Jackson series. I read 4 out of 5 of the books:

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
This book is the very first of the Percy Jackson series, and it probably the best one. I like re-reading this particular book to try and understand more about the books, and learn new things that impact the story. I read this book quickly as it is an easy read.

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
I really like this book too, it offers a much more mythological story, though its not my favourite.  The movie of it was not even relative to the book…

Percy Jackson and the Titans Curse
This book is really about the uprising of the Titans once more, and this book is very good, offering a lot of mythology on the titans and the era before the gods.

Percy Jackson and the Labyrinth
This is the last book I managed to get up to… and this is the build-up to the next book where the big battle is to happen

In all the Percy Jackson books, I have learned so much about Greek Mythology and how much we use it in modern society. I have re-read all these books many times and I still discover new things every time, and I am still excited to read them.