Tuesday, June 16, 2015

After reading sapphire blue which was again one of the less challenging books I have read I wanted to read something slightly more intellectual so even though I already know the story because of the movie I started reading Great Gatsby, and yes it is true that the book is another level compared to the movie.. It is very very good.. I haven't finished it yet but I hope that I will find time right after exams..

Great Gatsby was so good mainly since the characters were not only described so well  but chosen very carefully from the author, also when you read the book you have a lot more insight on the characters feelings etc.. The scenery was also described in a fascinating and beautiful way.. some party I re read 2-3 times. Even  though it was very attention grabbing the beginning was a little bit slow since it introduced Nick Carraway for a long time and didn't actually get to the point. All in all the book is extremely well written ( one of the best ones so far ). My favourite character is probably Daisy since she is described in a very sensitive way but also very smart ( a little bit like Blanche exept that she isn't crazy.) Everyone should read it, great book.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Frost Fire

After finishing Paper Towns, I decided to read 'Frost Fire' by Amanda Hocking. Frostfire is the first book of the Kanin Chronicles, the Kanin Chronicles are in the same world as the Trylle Chronicles. I have read many other books from Amanda Hocking for example Switched, Torn, and Ascend. I really enjoy the book, therefore i hope this series will be as good. The series main character is Bryn, a young, brave but has always been classed as an outclass as she looks different from the other people. This is because she is not fully a Kanin. Her mother was half sojare, so she has blond hair with blue eyes compared to the normal trolls that had dark skin with dark brown hair with green eyes.  The Kanins are the most powerful of all the troll tribes in the book. They have their specially trained guard known as the Högdragens meaning that they are most definitely powerful. The Kanins can change their skin colour to blend in their surroundings. Bryn is a tracker, although it is a lot harder as she doesn't have the Kanin abilities like other trackers. I am finding the book very engaging, i will continue to read it as i fell it is a really interesting and enjoyable read. If you have read the Trylle Series, then this will be perfect.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Most Powerful Man - Shōgun

The Most Powerful Man - Shōgun
Hey there! Peter here! Today when I took a break while studying, I managed to read further into the book and it became quite interesting. Here's the summary of what happened: 
Blackthorne arrived in Osaka with Hiro-matsu and Yabu. Osaka is a coastal Japanese city that was around 3 times bigger than London at that time. Rodrigues said that the forbidden capital, Kyoto, the city is even bigger. In fact, everything in Japan is enormous. Blackthorne thought about how the English would have a lot of trouble if Japan became catholic and sided with the Spanish. Blackthorne was taken into the Osaka castle which was also huge. The whole castle is a maze so that the invaders would have difficulty reaching the main keep. Finally, Blackthorne was brought upon the Shogun, Toranaga. The Shogun looked very big and strong. Blackthorne could feel the immeasurable amount of power this man has. The Shōgun used a Portuguese priest as a translator and began questioning Blackthorne. They mostly talked about the relationship between the English and the Spanish (and Portuguese since they were conquered). Blackthorne was calm and explained everything slowly but it seems that he had trouble trying to convey his message. The Shogun is somehow not happy with the answers he received. Blackthorne's suspicion fell on the priest since he is Portuguese. In the end, The Shogun ordered that Blackthorne is to be detained.

What I thought: This part has been one of the most meaningful part in the whole book. The Japanese people who met Blackthorne understood that he is a barbarian and didn't feel easy around him. However, the Shogun was on another level. He sees Blackthorne as a savage and gave Blackthorne a look of disgust. So far, it seems that he is siding with the priest and the Spanish. The Shogun could not understand the religious war between the English (Protestant) and the Spanish (Catholic) since he thought it was the same religion and that the reason to fight is really stupid. He also disdainfully, denounced Blackthorne and his country for having a woman (Queen Elizabeth I) as a ruler. Clearly, the Shogun of Japan is not an open-minded man. He could not imagine anything else other than his ideal.

The Kite Runner pt6

Although I haven't finished the novel yet it is definitely one of the most touching stories I have read and I was not expecting to like it this much when I picked it up from the shelf. So fifteen years after the marriage between Amir and Soraya, Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan in Peshawar asking him to come because "things can get better". Amir decides to go, and on is arrival he finds out that Ali was killed by a land mine and Hassan and his wife were also killed while trying to protect Amir and Baba's home from the Talibans. I am eager to read more of the book, after reading this awful and sad part. A great book that I recommend from the bottom of my heart.

The Kite Runner pt5

After having lived in California, Amir and his father but particularly the father, still don't feel at home. The father's constant melancholy of his new life is honestly heartbreaking; they were forced to leave their home, their country, their family and friends to start a new lonely life that neither of them were happy with. The one joyful thing left in Amir's life (apart from his education) was seeing Soraya Taheri, the girl he liked, every Sunday at the local flea market. Shortly after the marriage of the two, Baba dies.

kite runner pt4

Since the last time I posted, a lot has happened in Hassan and Amir's lives. The relationship of two boys drastically changes after Hassan gets raped by Atef on the kite running competition day and Amir witnesses it but never speaks of it. The boys grow apart until eventually Hassan and his father decide to leave. Five years later, the Soviet Union intervenes in Afghanistan, forcing Amir and his baba to runaway to Pakistan and then to California.

Alex Rider SnakeHead

As i continue reading through this very entertaining book we come across Alex rider creating a new identity so that he can sneak into a facility where they are producing genetically modified plants, however MI6 were looking through their files and found out some sort of secret is being kept between the Owners of this Facility and MI6 do not like coincidences so they are sending Alex Rider in to find out whats going on in the facility, and in exchange they will make the reporter who has been following Alex Rider stop snooping around the places he visits to find out more clues.

Life and Honor - Shōgun

Life and Honor - Shōgun
Hey there! Peter here! Since today is Sunday, I found some time to read Shōgun and decided to share what I've read with you. As the storm approaches, Rodrigues betrayed Blackthorne and tried to throw him off the galley. Unfortunately for him, Rodrigues was washed off the ship instead. He was taken by waves into the rocks. Blackthorne however didn't hold any grudges against Rodrigues and wanted to save him. Blackthorne went up to Hiro-matsu, who is in charge of this ship. After begging, Hiro-matsu agreed and they went towards the land. After they went on the land, they found Rodrigues stuck in a crevice. Yabu, the daimyo volunteered to help Blackthorne to earn his trust. Yabu believed that if he is able to convince Blackthorne to his side, he will become a very powerful daimyo. Yabu got down and held on to Rodrigues but the problem is that he could not get back up. His men tried helping him up. One of his men even sacrificed to help Yabu. Finally, Yabu got up with the body of Rodrigues. Blackthorne then had to follow Hiro-matsu's order and obediently go to Osaka with him to meet the most powerful man in the country, the Shōgun.

What I thought: This chapter is very important because it shows that the Japanese and Blackthorne had to work together to save Rodrigues. What really surprised is that Blackthorne wanted to save the man who tried to murder him. Could this be one of Blackthorn's weaknesses? However, there is a possibility that Rodrigues will help Blackthorne in the future to pay back his debt. This chapter also serves to highlight another cultural difference between the Western and the Japanese. Rodrigues warned Blackthorne before the journey that these samurais (Japanese soldiers) are dangerous. "They love to kill, Ingeles. It's their custom even to sleep with their swords." Blackthorne was quite surprised by this statement. On the other hand, the Japanese were very surprised when Blackthorne desperately want to save Rodrigues. "How could someone who had meekly allowed an enemy to piss on his back to save the life of an insignificant vassal." Yabu thought to himself. However, Blackthorne and Yabu worked together and succeeded in the rescue with hand communications (they can't speak the same language) and I found that very impressive. They came from a very different background but they still managed to succeed together.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Paper Towns

I finished reading, a book called Paper Towns by John Green. I have read two other books by him, the fault in our stars and looking for Alaska. Although this book let me down. I found it boring and almost plodding. The book was almost exactly like ‘looking for Alaska’. There were many things similar like the main female character and male character, the male best friend. The plot was almost exactly the same as well. Personally I enjoyed the fault in our stars better than this book. But I feel like he is repeating and not being original. Not only did this make the book bad but also there wasn’t much happening in the book, except for a lot of thinking and reflecting on minor events. I do not recommend this book as I found it very boring. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Animal Farm

So far I am enjoying the book very much. I love the way the progresses as you go along. For example, in the begging the animals were being controlled by humans, but eventually they managed to build their own community. This community then became more political in the sense that all the animals had their own place. It is like a hearty, with the Pigs at the top of this hierarchy, lead by Snowball and Napoleon.  But, of coarse, there can only be one supreme leader. This is shown when Snowball supposedly destroyed the windmill and Napoleon placed a death sentence upon him if he was to be found. The book reflects on the world as it is now and how political decisions are made. I find it very impressive as the author anger to portray this with animals rather than with humans. I am enjoying it very much, and I hope to finish it soon. It an amazing book!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Count of Monte Cristo

I also wanted to copy paste a few lines from the book to show the beauty of the language used and how nicely the author has written it:

“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.” 

It is one of my favourite parts in the book so far and I find it so beautiful and inspiring.

The Count of Monte Cristo

I have been posting quite often so you already know more or less what my book is about, as well as the fact that I like it very much. I just want to say why that is so I can give you a better vision on why it is special and better than other books. 

First of all, the book starts really strong. Unlike most other books where the introduction and the first few chapters are extremely long and usually makes you not want to keep on reading, in this novel the suspense is introduced straight form the beginning which I find is a really good thing. Edmond is put into jail only in the first three or four chapters which really encourages the reader to continue with the novel.
Another thing I love about The Count of Monte Cristo is the plot. I prefer realistic books and it is really good how despite the fact that there is adventure, there is suspense and there is mystery it is not  all fiction and it makes it easier to relate to it, understand it and to fully "dive" into the story and imagine it more clearly. I also like how there is a moral of the story and it can teach us a lot about real life. It also helps us know that the people you think are your friends might not be as loyal as you think. It also introduces the motif of jealousy and how it causes people to take terrible actions. 

Most importantly, you should read this book because the story is AMAZING! It is incredible how so many things happen in every chapter and it is only very rarely that there might be a boring part. The book often leaves you wondering what is going to happen next and can be very unpredictable. It is also creative, as many of the ways that Edmond gets revenge are very unusual ways. Also his escape from the prison was so original and that makes it more interesting as well. The characters are well-portrayed and we get to know them very well. I also like the fact that there are no certain positive or negative characters, but the author (Alexandre Dumas) has left it to the reader to decide who he supports and likes and who he doesn't.

I am saying it again, I really recommend this book!

"Misty Falls" by Joss Stirling

I have nearly finished my book Misty Falls, its getting really good. Misty has been kidnapped by Alex's evil uncle John. John is a savant who has never found his soulfinder so he went over to the dark side and started to use his powers for bad. He can make things or people disappear or die with just the touch of his fingers with this power he is one of the most dangerous savants in the whole world. Over the last few years he had been using his powers to get money by kidnapping and using other much younger savants to help him get richer. Misty has just woken up from her trance that John has put her in and as he is so powerful he has blocked her ability to talk to her soul finder so she can't warn him where she is.

I can't wait to read what happens next!!

The count of Monte Cristo

I am going to tell you about what I read today. Edmond, pretending to be "The Count of Monte Cristo" attends a ball organized by Albert de Morcerf who is the son of the Mercédès, Edmond's previous fiancée before his stay in jail. The two really loved each other, but since they were separated, she married another man and had a son. There, The Count of Monte Cristo is the center of attention and what puzzles many of the guests and most importantly, Mercédès, is that he refuses to eat anything that he has been offered. They wonder if it is because he dislikes the food and try to propose other dishes to him but yet he doesn't have anything. He mentions an Arabic tradition that if you eat under somebody else's roof, that makes you eternal friends. That obviously hints to the author the real reason behind, but the woman doesn't understand. She asks him nervously if they are friends and he says they are. 

This is an interesting moment in the book, because it makes us see what the relationship and the attitude of Mercédès is towards the Count of Monte Cristo, who she cannot recognise as her past beloved man and the man she was very close to getting married to. We can see the attraction between the two, despite the fact that with his new identity he seems to be cold to everybody else. She is married and has children, but there is a very strong connection between the two. That shows us the power of their love and that their paths crossed again and even though the man completely changed the way he looks and in a way how he acts as well, they ended up meeting again and feeling the same attraction they felt before. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I had started to read Othello, the play, its a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, it speaks of two lovers, Othello and Desdemona. But, I did find it very hard to understand what the text was saying most of the time. This made me slightly frustrated when I read it each time and I soon didn't find it enjoyable to read but more as a challenging task. I read to about page 30 and then decided to quit reading the book. I think that this could be an interesting class read though, since it is considered one of the best books by William Shakespeare and it would be easier to understand in class.

Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz

About a week ago i started to read a new book called Snakehead
It is a very action packed book about a 14 year old boy who goes undercover as one of MI6's operatives, this boy's name is Alex Rider and he was on vacation with his friend and her parents and during one point of the vacation their car wheel was shot by a sniper bullet and it veered off the road into the freezing cold lake. They all managed to escape the car with the help of Alex Rider, and then he flew back to England where he said goodbye to his friend. 2 weeks later a man approaches Alex's house and tells him he knows about everything he's done with MI6 and wants to make it into a story to help Alex. Now Alex is in trouble, because he might be revealed to the whole world about the missions he went on and MI6 does to people like him. Will he be able to keep the secret in? That's one of the many questions i am asking myself as i read on this amazing action filled book.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

 I'm not scared by Niccolo Ammaniti

  This book is a real classic, and is very famous. I didn't know at start what quite to expect; everybody was telling me how thrilling and disturbing it was. Half way through the book I thought that the 'thing'  that was the disturbing part happened, and I was just curious to find out what would then happen. At this point I was completely gripped to the book, and I was surprised, thrilled, and shocked to find out that the disturbing part of the story happens at the very end.

  This is definitely one of the best books that I have ever read, not only is a light read, but its also as exhilarating and thrilling as the reviews say it is. I read this book recently, and very quickly, I couldn't recommend it more.
Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson

Over the Easter holiday I re-read the Percy Jackson series. I read 4 out of 5 of the books:

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
This book is the very first of the Percy Jackson series, and it probably the best one. I like re-reading this particular book to try and understand more about the books, and learn new things that impact the story. I read this book quickly as it is an easy read.

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
I really like this book too, it offers a much more mythological story, though its not my favourite.  The movie of it was not even relative to the book…

Percy Jackson and the Titans Curse
This book is really about the uprising of the Titans once more, and this book is very good, offering a lot of mythology on the titans and the era before the gods.

Percy Jackson and the Labyrinth
This is the last book I managed to get up to… and this is the build-up to the next book where the big battle is to happen

In all the Percy Jackson books, I have learned so much about Greek Mythology and how much we use it in modern society. I have re-read all these books many times and I still discover new things every time, and I am still excited to read them.
I am Pilgrim- Terry Hayes

Have you ever gone to sleep wondering if someone out there knows all you darkest secrets? Have you ever considered that the things that the news says aren’t necessarily true? Or that society runs on secrets? In truth, secrets govern society, and only a select few know these secrets. Men such as the President of the United States, and of course Scott Murdoch.

   “Orphans always make the best spies”, M. from Skyfall, James Bond. Coincidence or not, being an orphan is of course the case of our main character, Scott Murdoch. Scott is taken into custody by a- Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie type couple- meaning their had lots of money. Scott kept to himself, confining in nobody. And graduating from MIT, Scott is lured into a spy organisation of utmost secrecy. Writing a book about forensic criminal investigating before retiring from the secret world, but leaving a life in the secret world is like leaving a hungry lion’s cage alive.

Eventually the old life gets back to Scott, and we follow him in the most difficult tasks of his life…

 I am Pilgrim is definitely one of the most gripping and thrilling books I’ve ever read in my life. It talks about the secret world so accurately that I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the scenarios are actually real. We meet the most dangerous men in the world and even end up in the stinky rich back streets of Geneva, where banks are another obstacle. There is no limit to the power of the spy organisation, and we truly feel scared about what’s out there. Recommend the book to anyone, its quite a long book though…
Dead end in Norvelt chapter 10 summary

Jack's mother goes harvesting wild mushrooms and wood and she cooks it for the towns elderly. Mr.Spizz then delivers it with his tricycle. Jack goes to Miss Volker's house to help write obituary but they first went to the drugstore so she could fix Jack's frequent nose bleed. Miss Volker and Mr. Spizz gets into a argument and Mr. Spizz was saying how it was illegal to have a bomb shelter and a runway because Jack's dad was building one. Mr. Spizz and Miss Volker had something between each other before Norvelt was founded Mr. Spizz asked to marry her but she refused. Then Miss Volker tried to repair Jack's nose and it seemed successful.

They then wrote the obituary and when he had finished Miss Volker told him to go get rat poison so she could kill the rats inside the basement. After he does that he goes home to his mum so he could get the casseroles to deliver to the community center.

Monstrosity in Frankenstein

The motive of monstrosity is probably the most important aspect in the whole novels as the story is build around it. In other words, it is the central theme. Society doesn't accept the monster, primarily or should I say, at the beginning, because of his looks. The monster is indeed a result of a mix of various chemicals and body parts that were stolen and inaccurately used by Victor. By the way, just because monstrosity is the central aspect that doesn't make the monster himself the only main character (e.g. Victor can also be considered as one of the main characters). This means that the monster is not "nature's creation", but rather one of as it would have been said in those times (when the story is set) "dark magic". Out of all the monstrous entitles in the book, the monster is the only direct representation and physical example. However, Victor can also be seen as a kind of "monster" in the sense of his intentions for creations and the knowledge he used to make the monster (although he never meant to create such a hideous creation). Despite this, he is constantly expressing his hatred to the monster, which makes the contents of the whole novel seem "monstrous".

Monday, June 8, 2015

I am now finished with the book misty falls, and I now started to read sapphire blue by Kirsten Gier, it is also a trilogy which has been amazing so far. The book is a mixture between romance and thriller since it talks about a girl who has the gift of travelling in time but did not know about her gift or wasn't aware till her 16th birthday. While she is discovering gift a mysterious boy starts to come up in her dreams very frequently, she then meets him in one of her un expected time travels and the romance begins.... The book has caught my attention immediately so far, involving cruel step sisters and a very sweet father though.. I recommend it mostly to girls though since it is not only written like a diary ( first person from a teenage girl point of view) but also since it contains a lot of romance..

The count of Monte Cristo

I haven't posted on the blogger for a long time, but I have been reading quite a lot and I am almost finished with my book! I honestly love it! It is so interesting and I am so glad since we have more time to read now, I can try to reach the end by the end of this term. I had heard so many good reviews about the book and when I wanted to take it from the library, I spoke to Mr Berube and he said such nice things about it so I decided to check it out. It is honestly one of the best books I have ever read. It is quite easy, the language is not very complicated and is quite modern. It flows very quickly, rather very few useless long descriptions which is a big advantage! It is full of adventure and has the motif of revenge and can teach you a lot about life.

I want to tell you a little bit about the plot without spoiling too much for you, in case you decide to read it. It is about a man, called Edmond Dantès, who has basically everything in his life: a gorgeous fiancee who he loves and who loves him back, as well as a wonderful job as a captain of a ship that he is about to receive soon. However, when everything in your life is going wrong, that causes many others to become jealous. Three of his "friends", one of who is jealous of him for his upcoming marriage, the other being a candidate for the captain job as well, decide to send an anonymous note accusing him of being a Bonapartist traitor, something very bad at that times. That causes Edmond to be put into jail, despite being innocent. He then tries to escape and when he finally manages, he is ready to find revenge. He cannot reveal his true identity as he is living illegally, but having spent quite a few years in jail, he has fortunately changed a lot so nobody recognises him. He uses that as an advantage to achieve his plans of revenge.

I really encourage you to read this book if you have the chance and I am sure that you will love it!

Shōgun - Encounter with Rodrigues

Encounter with Rodrigues
Hey there! Peter here! Here is the summary of what happened so far in the book, Shogun.
To be able to save his crew, Blackthorne had to give in to the Japanese. The shōgun, Toranaga sent his commander in chief, Hiro Matsu to confiscate the ship. Hiro Matsu took Blackthorne and Yabu, the local lord to Osaka where the council will take place so that he could meet the Shogun. On the galley to Osaka, Blackthorne met a Portuguese Pilot named Rodrigues and quickly became friends. Rodrigues taught Blackthorne a little bit of Japanese and how things work in Japan. With this, Blackthorne understood the Japanese further. However, a storm is approaching and the galley that carries them will be engulfed by the tempest.

What I thought of this part: Even though Blackthorne hated the Japanese, he still learned a little bit about the language and its culture. This may be because he wanted to survive and save his crew. On the other hand, I thought that this may be because he became interested in the culture itself and was trying to adapt into the Japanese society. Blackthorne's relation with Rodrigues is quite uncommon since the Portuguese and the English hated each other at that time and they also had different religions. However, Blackthorne and Rodrigues laughed and talked together like comrades. They shared their own opinions, religions and perspectives. I really enjoy reading about this unusual friendship. One thing that this book taught me is that sometimes the enemy isn't always hostile as you thought they might be. There was just a lack of comprehension of each other's perspective. So far, the story is building up suspense. I am really looking forward to the meeting between Blackthorne and the Shogun. I want to know why this book is named after the most important figure in Japan. Is there a message behind the name? I'll read on and let you guys know. Have a great day!
Dead end in Norvelt Chapter 9.

  Jacks father makes him dig a hole because he wanted to build a bomb-shelter. While he was digging he was thinking about the evolution of weapons how it started from caveman sticks to atomic bombs. One day, a biker got flattened by a cement truck. It was bad news for him but good news for Jack and Miss Volker because he liked writing obituaries. Miss Volker describes the state of the dead body to Jack and Jack writes it down. 

 They investigated the death and found out that the last person that saw the biker was Mr.Spizz who was poisoning the rats at the dumb. Miss Volker made a death certificate and the next day was when Jack will work on the obituary. 
Animal Farm

By autumn the Mill was half finished. All the animals were admiring it. Even thought they were short on harvests like corn, the windmill compensated for all of it. They were a bit short on food for the winter. After the harvest there was a stretch of clear weather where the animals worked harder on the windmill. Boxer would even go in the nights to work on it. During their very little sore time, the animals would walk around the half finished windmill, admiring it. But then, November came and the winds forced the animals to stop working on the windmill. It was too wet to mis the cement. The farm buildings were shaking in their foundations and tiles were flying off the roof. The hens were terrified, and were "squawking with terror".  When the animals came out in the morning they saw that the Orchid had been plucked up and the flagstaff had been blown down. Jaw's dropped as the animals glared at the sight of the windmill, which was in ruins. They all raced to it, everything, all their hard work was destroyed. Napoleon then made a speech saying that Snowball was responsible for the collapse of the windmill. He pronounced a death sentence upon Snowball and said that if any animal captured him they would get half a bushel of apples and a full one to anyone who captured him alive. The animals were shocked at his conclusion, but there were footprints that helped them believe that it was intact Snowball's doings. Napoleon had said that he had probably come from the direction of the Foxwood Farm. He ordered that the windmill was to be rebuilt but this time the walls would be with thicker walls. He said that they would work through the Winter, no matter what the weather was like. He reminded them of who was responsible for this and tried to motivate them "Long live the windmill! Long live the Animal Farm!"
Animal Farm

So far the animals are still working on building the windmill. The competition between Snowball and Napoleon is greater than ever. The humans began to respect the farm even though they did not like it. They began to call it by its proper name "The Animal Farm" instead of calling it "Manor Farm". They respected the efficiency of the farm although they thought that it would eventually become bankrupt and the Windmill project would be bound to fall. Everything was becoming more like a government with the pigs still at the top. The pigs were now allowed to move into the farmhouse to have "a quiet place to work" because they are the brains of the farm. Napoleon had now taken on the title "Leader". The pigs would also take their meals in the recreation room from now on. Boxer had agreed with it as usual as he thought that Napoleon is always right. Clover had remembered that there was a ruling against beds (because the pigs would now sleep in beds) in the Fourth Commandment. Apparently it said: "No animal shall sleep on a bed with sheets". And so the pigs simply said that they would remove the sheets. In addition another rule was passed on that the pigs could sleep for an hour longer than the other animals as they needed rest for all they 'hard work'. Napoleon used this and dais that they were doing a lot of brainwork and saying that if they didn't sleep in the farm house in the beds they would not be able to for fill their duties and that Mr Jones would return. So, obviously the other animals agreed with this and no more was said about the pigs sleeping in the farmhouse with beds, or the fact that they could sleep in for an extra hour in the morning.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

I finished The Hobbit and I have now just started a new book called Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

The book is pretty good so far. I really like the way that the author, Lewis Carroll, writes because she uses sophisticated language but at the same time it is very easy to read.

I am not at the part that Alice has fallen down the hold and is eating the cake and drinking potions that change her physical size.

Alice is a very peculiar character because she talks to herself a lot and some of the things that she says are quite weird.
Like when sometimes she gets angry at herself for crying and shouts at herself which makes her cry more.
At the same time though,  she's very intriguing.