Monday, June 1, 2015

Frankenstein Chapter 16

Chapter 16
Safe seems to be an extremely strong character, as she takes initiative to come to the cottage and rejects he father's order to return to Constantinople. She is not the stereotypical gentle character that accepts the authority of powerful men.

The monster realises that his appearance is horrifying and he promises to bring revenge on all humans, especially his creator. It takes his months crossing forests and mountains, so he finally arrives to Geneva. On his way, he sees a young girl drowning. He rescues her, but the man who was with her suspects him of attacking her and shoots him. He runs away, even more angry and meets William, who tells him he is Victor's brother. The monster is so angry and attacks William, strangling him to death. He sees a picture of Caroline in his pocket and places it on William before leaving.

The monster tries to explain the circumstances of the killings. He asks Victor to create another monster that can accompany him.

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