Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dead end in Norvelt chapter 10 summary

Jack's mother goes harvesting wild mushrooms and wood and she cooks it for the towns elderly. Mr.Spizz then delivers it with his tricycle. Jack goes to Miss Volker's house to help write obituary but they first went to the drugstore so she could fix Jack's frequent nose bleed. Miss Volker and Mr. Spizz gets into a argument and Mr. Spizz was saying how it was illegal to have a bomb shelter and a runway because Jack's dad was building one. Mr. Spizz and Miss Volker had something between each other before Norvelt was founded Mr. Spizz asked to marry her but she refused. Then Miss Volker tried to repair Jack's nose and it seemed successful.

They then wrote the obituary and when he had finished Miss Volker told him to go get rat poison so she could kill the rats inside the basement. After he does that he goes home to his mum so he could get the casseroles to deliver to the community center.

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