Monday, June 8, 2015

Animal Farm

By autumn the Mill was half finished. All the animals were admiring it. Even thought they were short on harvests like corn, the windmill compensated for all of it. They were a bit short on food for the winter. After the harvest there was a stretch of clear weather where the animals worked harder on the windmill. Boxer would even go in the nights to work on it. During their very little sore time, the animals would walk around the half finished windmill, admiring it. But then, November came and the winds forced the animals to stop working on the windmill. It was too wet to mis the cement. The farm buildings were shaking in their foundations and tiles were flying off the roof. The hens were terrified, and were "squawking with terror".  When the animals came out in the morning they saw that the Orchid had been plucked up and the flagstaff had been blown down. Jaw's dropped as the animals glared at the sight of the windmill, which was in ruins. They all raced to it, everything, all their hard work was destroyed. Napoleon then made a speech saying that Snowball was responsible for the collapse of the windmill. He pronounced a death sentence upon Snowball and said that if any animal captured him they would get half a bushel of apples and a full one to anyone who captured him alive. The animals were shocked at his conclusion, but there were footprints that helped them believe that it was intact Snowball's doings. Napoleon had said that he had probably come from the direction of the Foxwood Farm. He ordered that the windmill was to be rebuilt but this time the walls would be with thicker walls. He said that they would work through the Winter, no matter what the weather was like. He reminded them of who was responsible for this and tried to motivate them "Long live the windmill! Long live the Animal Farm!"

1 comment:

  1. An excellent synopsis developing here, but I wold also like some more of a response from you: what do you think of the political meaning behind this? Do you find the use of animals as characters convincing?
