Thursday, October 30, 2014


Roseanne and Tom just had their marriage in Dublin in the church at Sutton afterwards they went to a Hotel to celebrate even though none of their families where there. They danced in the dancehall and later while Tom smoked a Russian oval cigrattes they discussed the benefits of living in Dublin and for the first time in this book their was a mutual romantic part both of the characters confessing in a low key manner their love for each other. After their wedding they were on train a distressing images were explained how in the springtime there was no market for lambs so  the farmers had to kill the lambs in the fields. The rest of the pages are explaining that a new leadership that was being formed and how Tom despised this men and how he got a hand made shirt and was going to talk and object. Then we are told about the routine that Tom and Roseanne has during Saturday night and that Tom was always saying that you can tell a lot about the state of a  country from the quality insults at the Saturday night pictures.


At the moment the most recent pages are all about Dr Grene's Commonplace Book. Dr Grene is the doctor or psychiatrist at the asylum his mission (apart from taking care of the patients ) is to find out the reason why Roseanne was brought to the asylum in the first place. However to do so he needs to dig up the uncomfortable past of Roseanne. Which is a challenge in its self because Roseanne is not always willing to contribute or zones out. While he his investigating Roseanne personal life, his own personal life has had enormous difficulties with his wife just passing away. He is now doubting every step he takes always judging himself and contemplating the meaning of his life. Recently he disconnected the phone that he had bought his wife but in the night he hears it ring and hears her voice. He decides to go downstairs into her room and see her phone. As he is doing this, Dr Grene is having enormous flashbacks of his wife dying and her breathing episodes. Finally he arrives enters but emptiness. This part was one of the most tense chapters because of the doubt if there was his wife's ghost.

Last Part of SEA history: Challenges regarding Independence

Post-Colonial and Challenges of independence in Southeast Asia
Hey there! Peter here, I finally finished this book right before the vacation. Therefore, I would like to share what I learned in the last chapters of this book. First of all, independence comes with a price, many countries fought to win independence and suffered heavy casualties. After they gained independence, problems like poverty, political turmoil, economic crises came up. It varied for different countries.

For Thailand, even though we already have independence and was never colonised, political and foreign affairs became a major problem for Thailand after world war 2. During the world war 2, Thailand was on Japan's side. Thailand evaded the penalty after Japan lost by using skilful diplomatic skills. However, after that, Thai politics were in turmoil. As more Thais receive education, they started questioning the monarch which had absolute power at that time. Before the war, there was already a small revolution in 1932 that brought 700 years of absolute monarchy to an end. Thailand was governed by constitutional monarchy. It was in 1963, that the military took complete control over the country. However, in 1973, there was another revolution against the military. It was 1980 that the conflict inside the country started to calm down. On the other hand, the Thai government is not stable until this day.
Revolution in 1973

For other ex-colonised countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia, there were other problems. Since the colonial powers were sponsoring the national treasury, when they backed away, the treasury were almost empty. There were heavy demands on the national budget. Health and education in the countryside was also a problem to these new governments. For Indonesia, the biggest problem is 'maintaining national unity' and freedom of religion. For Vietnam, the problem is that the country was left divided. Communists parties in the region were also getting powerful. However, the economical problems of these countries were quickly solved after the maritime southeast asian countries found oil resources. Each countries started developing their own resources (rubber, spices, oil) and sold it to the outside world. Soon, these problems will disappear one by one.
Modern map of Southeast Asia



After going off my book for a while the story has yet again managed to hook my attention back. In the story I have discovered how Tom McNulty and Roesanne the main character met and fell in love. The classic love story of them. Tom rescuing Roseanne from the water as she was struggling to stay afloat and then realising that she was the waitress at his beloved coffee shop......It came to the point were she was to meet his mother. Even though Roseanne is a polite, mature and beautiful woman she had a terrible encounter with her soon to be mother in law.  Roseanne entered Tom's mother's  small but cute bungalow that had  the overwhelming smell of boiling lamb she sat down on a old lumpy chair and the was introduced to Toms mother. At first she had a gentle look but her voice was not so gentle. She was a tiny lady and was dressed in black, her and her husband both being tailors. Then she started speaking and even with the lack of words that she pronounced all were unfriendly. Suddenly the point was made and was very clear because Mrs McNulty was a strong Christian and Roseanne was a Presbyterian (Protestant) and just because of Roseanne's religion Mrs McNulty would not be kind. This couple of pages really annoyed me because even if a woman is perfectly polite respects Jesus and even goes to church but is not 100 % Christian she is not accepted into a family.
Since I last posted on the blog,  a lot of interesting things have happened in the story. The main and most important one is that the boy went to this pub and sees a mysterious man. (I am not sure whether you remember, but in one of the first chapters, Pip helped a convict, who escaped prison and gave him a file that he stole from his home.) The plot twist occurs when the man takes out the file (the exact same one) and stirs his drink with it. A few moments later, he also gives him a small amount of money. That really shocks the boy and makes him realise that the person, who is actually helping him become richer and a gentleman is not Miss Havisham, but the prisoner who he helped in the beginning of the book.

I think that Charles Dickens wanted to show the reader that when you help people, (no matter how big or small the favour is) you would most likely be awarded for it later. Even though, you shouldn't aid others only hoping to get something in return, most likely they will do something good for you in the future. That is also true about the opposite, once you harm someone, they will try to get revenge or something bad is going to happen to you (karma).

Here is a quote that I think is appropriate : "Don't worry about being a star, worry about doing good work, and all that will come to you."

The Reader (End)

So I've not been updating to the blog as regularly during this 2nd part of term but here is what has happened so far:
I now actually know what the "kid" is called, his name is Michael Berg. 

After the trial ended and Hanna confessed of having "written" the letter saying she was guilty and what happened in the church, she was sentenced to a lifetime sentence in prison whether as the other defendants from the trial were only sentenced for a few months in jail. 

After Michael finishes his studies in law he gets married and fathers a child. He is unable to succeed in a long-term relationship, however, and divorces after only a few years. He is largely uninvolved with his family and does not have any strong friendships. Eventually Michael begins to correspond with Hanna in prison. Instead of writing her letters, however, he records himself reading aloud from books. He forwards the cassette tapes, devoid of any personal communication, to Hanna in prison. He eventually receives a "thank you" note from Hanna who has used her time in prison to learn, read, and write.

In 1984, Hanna is released from prison, having served 18 years there. The prison contact Michael and ask him to become involved in Hanna's release from prison and reintegration into society. Michael finally gets an apartment and a job, but however he does not communicate with Hanna directly. On her last night in prison Hanna hangs herself in her jail cell. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blood of Olympus Theophile Clive-Worms

I, like Max S, also read the book Blood of Olympus. Likewise I read this book because the author wrote a series that I read a few years ago and I read his new books for old time sake and I learn a lot from them. Rick Riordan first series of mythological books was the Percy Jackson series, which at the time I loved. His new series of which the book B of Olympus belongs to is called: Heroes of Olympus, this series involved many more heroins (included the characters of Percy Jackson books). Which in effect complicates things because we are all used to the main character from the old series (called Percy Jackson), who also had the role of narrator, but now in the new series its a chapter per character so eight characters is eight different people speaking! So eight main characters is hard to keep up with!
  Blood of Olympus was the last book of this series and I am sad to say goodbye to the greek mythology, but this book was very disappointing. For three main reasons:
1st: I find the writing much too childish (even though I am also a child, I prefer reading book with a higher level of vocabulary).
2nd: The ending of the book is very disappointing (not sad but disappointing for those who are half way through the book :))
3rd: In Rick Riordan's  Percy Jackson series, Percy one of the only narrators, so we all became 'close' to him, but as I explained the new layout involves different characters and Percy only speaks once during the entire book which is very sad because he is the coolest character. Concerning Percy not narrating much, he also gets left out in the action and you feel that at the end of the story Rick Riordan just wants to take him out of the picture and give him no futur :(.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Switched by Amanda Hocking

I have just started this new book called "Switched". I have read 50 pages and I am already hooked. I am loving this book! It is about a girl who was switched at birth and is being guarded by this boy Finn as she is a Trylle which is basically a troll. She has never fit in at school (she's been expelled 6 times in the past 2 years), she has a short temper, beautiful but hard to manage hair and she hates to wear shoes. These are all characteristics of being a troll, but Wendy is special, she has the power of persuasion which is a form of mind control. She can make anyone do whatever she wants them to do by looking into their eyes and repeating what she wants over and over again. Although this gift makes her feel powerful and special, she is terrified of what she can do and tries to hide it at all costs.
I love this book so far and can't wait to read on.

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

I have been reading this book over the holidays and I have finally finished it! It was such an amazing book, the characters were so vivid and realistic and I literally couldn't put it down for hours on end. The ending was very interesting and there was a new plot twist that Clary and Jace might be siblings which is very strange considering they kissed during the book and both have feelings for each other.
In conclusion, this book is amazing and I recommend it to both boys and girls as there is a lot of action and a bit of romance.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Serpent's ShadowBy Rick Riordan

I have finally finished the series of books called the Kane series, all about the Egyptian gods...
This is the last book of the Kane series and it's also a novel (written by Rick Riordan).
This last book is called, 'The Serpent's Shadow':
 The main plot is to excrete the soul of the god of chaos. The book talks a lot about chaos and peace, and I learnt a lot about the origins of certain things such as objects and words. I learn a lot from this book but I am glad to have finished the series, mainly due to the fact that it has poor vocabulary and I want to move on.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

I have read a bit more of the book now, and I have met 2 new characters called Isabelle and Alec. They seem very interesting and I feel like they both have many deep and dark secrets...
I'm at the part where Clary has just been attacked by a demon and she has just woken up at the infirmary in the Institution, with a huge headache and a very grumpy and annoying Isabelle.
The storyline is really developing and I am loving all the new characters that have been introduced.
 I can't seem to be able to put this book down, its so good!

New Book: Dreadnought

Hey there, Peter here. The history of Southeast Asia book is coming to an end soon so I selected a new book that really interested me. Since I love history, this book is called "dreadnought". This book is about the naval competition between Britain and Germany right before World War 1. I read the first chapter so far and I am really hooked on it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

An army of men just passed by on the road. Slaves and women followed them. The fire that they had lit had burned out and there was no smoke but they had to keep very quite so they could not be seen. The fact that the army were going somewhere else was not a good sign and they knew they had to keep going.

A storm had broken out when they stopped to sleep for the night. The father went into the forest to get wood but every time he came back it would almost be out. He had to struggle to keep it lit. When they fell asleep lowed crashes had woken them up. Trees were following. They got up and the boy clung to his father. They walked for a while and then stopped and went into their blankets until it stopped. 

The father knew that the boy would  not be able to travel much longer. They had no food left and were beginning to loose hope in themselves. The boy kept asking "Are we going to die now" which shows how negative he is and how he knows he will not make it much longer.

Reading 1984 by Egor (3)

Chapters 7 and 8

7. In his diary, Winston writes about how he hopes there will be a revolution against the party. He thought that if all the normal citizens revolt, clearly the would win. However, he remembers that the vast majority not only don't want to revolt, but don't even realize that they are under the oppression of the party.

Winston then reads a children's history book, he reads that the party claims to have built perfect cities. He chooses to not read any further as he knows that it was probably made up. All the history has been erased. Without any proof, Winston chooses not to think about the past. In fact, Winston remembers how he caught the party lying; he saw some former leaders of the party in a café, but later saw a photograph that showed them in New York at the same time.

Winston then writes a letter to O'Brien. Despite that he doesn't know much about him, he thinks he is also against the party because he sees opposition within him. Remembering the party's phycological oppression on people, he thinks that the party can make people believe that 2+2=5. He believes that true freedom is having the rights to say 2+2=4.

8.  Winston goes to a pub, he was keen on not being spotted. Even thought it wasn't a crime to go home by an unusual route and enter a pub on the way, it was extremely unusual to say the least. In the pub, he sees a very old man and thinks of him as a man of the past. Winston was sure that he lived in the time of capitalism, so he goes to ask him questions. However, after a long period of questioning, he gives up as he realizes that there is nothing interesting in the memory of the old man. All memory that the man has from the past is irrelevant and not interesting.

When Winston left the pub, he visits the same store as he bought his diary. He then meets the proprietor of the store, Mr Charrigton who then take him to a private room. The room has no tele screen, which was extremely unusual, even strictly forbidden. He said that he doesn't have it because he can't afford it, which was an unusual excuse because everybody had to have it.

Later, when going home he saw the same girl as before, following him. he was so scared, that he plans to kill her when they come to a quite place, although changed his mind because the remembered that if caught, the sanction will be torture followed by death. He thin takes a coin out of pocket and looks at the face of Big Brother and think of the party slogan: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
The interesting thing about my book is that there are no chapters so it makes it seem like a never ending scene. It has a good effect on the reader as it keeps you engaged in the book without stopping.
The man and the boy have just come past a village where there were looking for food. The boy saw another boy through a window and ran but his father caught him.  He wanted to take the other boy with them because he thought that he was lost and alone. His father told him that there are many people there but they are just hiding. The boy was crying but after a while he got over it. When they reached the area where they wood sleep his father went to collect wood for a fire and they ate their last tinned food.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A boy ashamed of his own home.

I reached the point, where Joe (the guardian of Pip) is invited to the house of  Mrs Havisham where the boy works. The man acts in an inappropriate way, he doesn't want to speak directly to the noble woman, but talks to Pip first. This annoys the boy and after he returns back home he decides that he is ashamed of his home and that he doesn't love Joe anymore.

I find this really really sad as, even when you reach success in your life, you should never forget where you started. He shouldn't be ashamed of his guardian, who he used to think of as his own father, neither from home.

a picture of Joe 

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

I am now on page 150 and the story is really developing... Clary is starting to find out what she really is and how its going to affect her life... This book is thrilling and makes you want to read more and more every time you turn the page! I am really enjoying this book and can't wait to read the rest of the series!! I recommend it to both boys and girls!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am!


At the moment I am starting to get a little be annoyed with the book or should i saw slightly bored. The reason behind this is because the book is only talking about a part of Roseanne's life. Which normally would not be a problem but the setting at moment is always the same and their is no adventure i hope that something will occur and we will start getting more to the plot. Their is one fundamental question which has not been answered " How did Roseanne end up in the mental asylum in Roscommon" In the blurb it says that the reason will be shocking so i am desperate to find out. Another question is why did she marry Tom McNulty slightly fat and not very handsome man when his brother was the opposite.
Here are the books I'm reading at the moment, in case any of you are interested.  Some of them have been on my coffee table for a long time.  

And here are some I recently finished:

Friday, October 10, 2014

American Notes

 I have read this book it's quite catchy because its a non-fiction book about America and it describes America very well and how it was amazing. It could get boring. The Character ,Charles Dickens, takes a ship to America. They described how the ship was and it took weeks to get there. When he got there he loved America and he took trains and said how amazing it was. I would recommend this to people who want to see how the world was in the past in the 19th century. 

Night Rise

The New Book I'm reading is Night Rise its is the next book in the series of the Power Of Five, here is a little sneak peak at the cover. The book sucks you in it is really thrilling i recommend this book.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Reader

Ok so I forgot to tell you guys something quite important. Hanna can't read nor write. 
When the "kid" and Hanna were in their relationship, Hanna would always ask the "kid" to read to her. So one day he decided to ask her to read to him but she refused said: "Your voice sounds so beautiful." The "kid" just assumed that this was actually true thus completely ignoring the possibility that she couldn't read.

During the trial Hanna is questioned by the judge about the fire in the church and why they didn't help save the women and children who were stuck inside. She replied that she didn't know what to do at the time; the other guards who were taken to the hospital, hardly injured left the women alone to try and save everyone even though they knew they couldn't. According to all the defendants what happened in the fire was that none of them could do anything because they couldn't hear or see the fire until it was too late and already burned the church down, they were busy helping the wounded guards. 

The judge, in the trial then took out a piece of paper and read it aloud. it stated that that did not happen and that they watched them burn down. All the defendants objected to this and said that the person who had written the piece of paper was Hanna and that she wrote to take the blame off her and spread it equally among all the defendants.. Hanna not knowing what to do eventually admitted that it was her who wrote it, even though as you know, it wasn't here who wrote it because she can't write. The only reason she admitted to have written it was so that she didn't have to face the shame of having to tell everyone she could not write.

The Catcher in the Rye pt4

I have finally finished "The Catcher in the Rye"!
It is no doubt one of my favorite books in the world, and I am so grateful to the person that recommended it to me.
It is a novel about self-discovery, in which the main character deals with problems of teenage angst, loss of a family member, belonging, alienation and identity.
Holden Caulfield, the main character, is a very complex person; he has problems fitting in and adapting to other people's personalities, he is confused about life in general, and has anxiety problems.
The title of the novel which isn't very self-explanatory at first, is actually the lyrics to a song that Holden hears a young boy singing in the streets, and from that moment onwards Holden aspires to be "a catcher in the rye"; he wants to catch little kids falling from a field of rye, because that's what brings a smile to his face.
Throughout the story, he tries finding himself by spending a lot of time on his own and thinking; thinking about other students or teachers from previous schools, his beloved little sister, his deceased brother, his parents, his older brother, and the girl that got away.
Along his self-discovery journey he encounters multiple people that somehow change the course of his journey.
The book is written in the first person, so Holden is the narrator, which makes it more personal. The book is also written in the form of a letter to someone that remains anonymous to the reader.
I definitely recommend it!! I believe it's a must read!!

I will now move on to a new book that I haven't picked yet.

Today I started reading "Looking for Alaska", i have gotten to page 50 or so and from what I have read it is already very good. It is about this 16 year old boy called Miles that is a very nice and sensible boy, he didn't have that many friends at his old school.  He is changing schools to one called called Culver Creek and when he gets there he meets this girl called Alaska that he is starting to like and she doesn't give the best first impression because the first thing that she tells us is how over the summer her friend grabs her boob. He then also starts smoking because he sees his room mate smoke so now we can he bad influences starting to rub off on him. I really want to see what will happen to him later on in the book and I want to know how his relationship with Alaska will turn out.

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

I have read nearly 50 pages and I can't wait to find out what happens to Clary and why she can see people and things that others can't..
Clary is a very interesting character as she has a really sweet and sensitive side to her but also a brave and strong one. When she saw the murder of a demon that no one else saw, she really managed to keep it together and confront the murderers about it even though she knew that she was in danger.

City of Heavenly Fire

City of Heavenly Fire
By Cassandra Clare

After I finished reading The Fault In Our Stars. I continued a series called "The moral instruments". City of heavenly fire is the sixth book and the last in the series. The series is very exciting and makes you want to read more and more. I am half way through the book already, i can't stop read it! I recommend this series to everyone, girls and boys.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The father and boy have just found two men in a diesel truck that has broken dow. He threatened one man to come into the bushes with his gun while the other one was having a pee. He asked where they were going but he refused to corporate grabbed the boy and held a knife to his throat. The boy was frozen while his father pulled out his pistol and shot the man in the forehead. The boy was completely terrified and had blood on his hair. They kept walking until they came to a bridge where he washed the boys head and made a fire.
The book I am reading is called flapper, I am a bit further than the middle and it is getting quite boring because it is all facts and historical events and I am looking to engage in something that has a story line. I have a book called "Looking for Alaska" by John Green, the same author as the fault in our stars.

The Catcher in the Rye pt3

I have about 30 pages left to read until I can properly attempt to summarize this wonderful novel. It is not an easy book to explain to someone, because of its complexity, but I highly recommend to everyone!! I am planning on finishing it shortly, so my next post won't be long after that, in it I will summarize the story and discuss the themes.
Until then.... let the countdown begin!!

The Throne of Fire

   This is the second book series that  I'm reading, I just finished this book n*2 (this one). This book is written by an American author called Rick Riordan. I finished just now and I'm on to the next book of the series. I rate this book 7/10 because I found that it was missing good vocabulary. I'm a big fantasy book reader and I really liked the Harry Potter series and the Percy Jackson series also written by Rick Riordan. It taught me a lot about Egypt that I didn't know...
The Cuckoo's calling

 So far in the story the main characters are a private detective called 'Strike' and his secretary 'Robin'. Strike is deeply in debt and just as he thinks that its all over a client walks into his office asking for him to investigate the death of his sister. The man is very wealthy and offers him double pay, though Strike isn't sure that he will find any leads on this case. The man's sister was a very famous model and she jumped out of her penthouse window to death. But did she really jump? or was she pushed? 
   I hooked to this book, can't wait to find out what happens next.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Estella - a really powerful character


 As I am reading on, I begin to meet more and more characters, each one more exciting than the previous. One of the most exciting ones is Estella. She is a young woman, who Pip was introduced to while going to visit Miss Havisham's (another lady) house. Estella is described as very pretty, but very arrogant. She flirts with Pip, but at the same time calls him a casual man (an insult for those days meaning not noble) and makes him feel really bad about himself. She also slaps him at one point, which makes him even more sad. In my opinion she is a really powerful character, usually rather cold, but strong and I can't wait to find out more about her. 

reading 1984 by Egor (2)

Chapters 4, 5 and 6

4. In this chapter we see Winston doing his job which is destroying documents. We see that he is destroying all documents about a person who has been vaporized by the Thought Police. He also invents a character named Ogilvy to replace him. He is an ideal person in the Party's eye, we are given that he finds everything suspicious and Opposes sex, both are characteristics of the party. The reason to that was the Party didn't want you to have free time and to save all your energy for the party.

5. Winston has lunch with a man named Syme. Syme works as a language transformer, who changes everything to "Newspeak", which is the official language of Oceania. Newspeak is a language which has no "unnecessary words". For example, there was no excellent or magnificent, there would just be good, plusgood and extraplusgood. Syme is very fond of this language. We also find out that he loves watching executions because he like watching people suffer in pain.

Then, good news about the war are announced, so everybody starts cheering. Winston also has to pretend that he is cheering. Winston then looks to see a girl looking at him, he starts getting worries because he thinks she is a party agent watching him.

6. Winson, in the evening, thinks about the last time he had sex, which was with an old and ugly prostitute. The party hated sex. He also remembers that his ex-wife also hates sex, they separated after they found out that they can't have any children. The party actually encouraged separation, as long as the couples had no children. Winston feels depressed and angry, writing the diary didn't stop him from feeling this.

Monday, October 6, 2014

reading 1984 by Egor

The first three chapters

1. Winston, 39 returns to his home in London. He is a party member. As he climbs up the stairs there is a sign which he is used to seeing: BIG BROTHER (BB) IS WATCHING YOU (BBWY). He is not a vey important member of the party. It was the only party, which was totalitarian, as was its regime. Winston's life was fully under political oppression, as was everyone else's. There is a machine in his apartment called a tele screen which you are not allowed to ever switch off. It is controlled by the Thought police, who can send anyone to a labour camp, or just kill them without trial, people would just disappear in the night. All historical record from the past have been deleted and citizens are only told propaganda. The party even wants to control your thoughts.

Winston starts writing a dear, which is a crime sanctioned by either 25 years in a labour camp or death by public hanging. While he writes, we find out that he hates the political regime. We also find out that the country they are in is called Oceania and they are in war with Eurasia which the people know nothing about other than government claims that they are bad and the aggressors.

Every mistake you make can result in your death, for example not smiling straight away when good news is mentioned about "good news" on the war or not raging enough during "hate time" when you were supposed to, in a room shout and show your rage on the country's enemies.

After writing, he realized that he wrote "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" in the diary. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

2. Winston approaches the door, not caring that his book was open as it made no difference anyway.
However, to his joy, it was just Mrs. Parsons (or  Comrade Parsons) asking for help with plumbing while her husband was away.

This chapter describes how this regime especially affects children, as Mrs. Parsons mentions her children were very upset that they couldn't see the public hangings.

 3. Winston wakes up just in time for "morning jerks" which was basically obligatory physical exercise.  He was dreaming about his mum. He somehow felt responsible for her disappearance and remembers that they were on a sinking boat. He also remembered the word "Shakespeare", not knowing what it means or where it came from.

During physical exercise, he thinks about his childhood then about the war. The record stated that Oceania was at war with Eurasia and its alliances. However, Winston knew that the records were changed.

Then, his name appears on the screen meaning he wasn't working hard enough. So, he started to work harder and eventually managed to touch his toes.

Revolt, Revolution and Path to independence

Revolt, Revolution and Path to independence
Hey there, Peter here! The history of Southeast-Asia is coming to an end. This issue will be about how most Southeast-Asian countries fight to gain their independence. Some of the countries however, just gained their independence when the Europeans lost interest in them. To make it easier to visualise this crucial part of southeast-asian history, just imagine the star wars trilogy, there are very similar.
Some of the countries who fought their way to independence is usually led by an influential leader like Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam. I will take Vietnam for an example because I think they are the most successful. 
After the defeat of the Japanese, European powers quickly reinstalled their power back into the region, except now, there are a lot more nationalists (people wanting to glorify their country and wanting independence). Many people were educated and Ho Chi Minh was one of them. Ho Chi Minh studied in France and joined the communist party in France. He came back to Vietnam as a communist follower. He influenced many communists in Vietnam to revolt against the French, which at that time, was very weak. The Viet-minh (Ho Chi Minh's army) stood up against the French in 1946 and started the 'Indochinese War'. They fought until they finally succeeded in 1954 at the battle of Dien Bien Phu. The Vietnamese gained their independence soon afterwards after the treaty at Geneva in July 1954. However, the French left Vietnam in 2 pieces, the North and the South (they have different ideologies)
Glorious Vietnamese victory at Dien Bien Phu

Vietnam divided by the 17th Parallel.
Another example of a Southeast-Asian country who fought against their alien ruler is Indonesia. Indonesia was not as successful as the Vietnamese. The Indonesians started fighting against the Dutch  in August 17th 1945, when the Indonesian nationalists proclaimed their country's independence in Jakarta. The Dutch quickly crushed the uprising. In November, the Indonesians revolutionaries  fought a major battle at the city of Surabaya. In 1948, the Dutch captured the old capital city of Yogyakarta and crushed the revolutionaries there. This ignited the ambitions of the revolutionaries even further. Finally, the Dutch gave up on the war and the Indonesians gained their independence in 1949.

On the other hand, there are countries like Burma, which gained their independence without fighting. The British lost interest in its Burmese colony and withdrew. This had negative impacts on Burma because there are many political powers fighting to be at the top after the British left.

After the Europeans left the region, Communism became a very strong ideology in the region (especially the mainland). This will lead up to the Cold War.
Vietnam was one of the countries influenced by Communism.

The Cuckoo's Calling

First of all I would like to answer this question that I was asked on my previous post: How do you know J.K. Rowling is real? More seriously, for how long was this book on sale before she revealed who the author really was? Did you choose it because of who wrote it?

J.K. Rowling is real because she has written many books before and has given interviews in person, Robert Galbraith however is not real. When you type in 'Robert Galbraith' on the computer you will find numerous photos of J.K Rowling and many articles telling you that she was the one who wrote the book. Wikipedia even shows this:
Notice how the name Robert Galbraith is not available to click on.

A journalist having read the book looked up the author when the book came out, the wiki page of the mysterious author said that he served in the army for most of his life. The author questioned the truth because he knew that an army man could not write with such vocabulary. Then J.K Rowling admitted to being the author about a month after the book came out. 

I chose the book the Cuckoo's Calling because it was written by J.K. Rowling and for no other reason. I found her Harry Potter series most intriguing and I was anxious to continue.
Earlier in the book, there was also short stories about young girls wanting to live the lives of flappers and about how their families struggled with their decisions. One of the short stories is about a girl who caught the eye of Scott Fitzgerald and about how he had a hard time trying to get a published book. I am now further into the book and it is now telling us about women's fashion back then and about how none of the women liked it but as it was appealing to men, they wore it to be considered beautiful. The book is very historical but in an entertaining way, every chapter is a different way that America was modernised by women.

The silas mariner and lolita

I have almost finished the Silas Marner and I now wanted to start Lolita, a book about a young girl going through a teenage pregnancy....
The Silas Marner was very hard to understand but a very touching book at the same time, I had to look up a great amount of words and concentrate very hard on it, it was definitely not a book you would be reading between classes or so since you need all your attention. It talks about a a very sad old man being rejected by his old town where he use to live...


In my book i have arrived to an important part because one of my main characters : ( Dr Grenes ) who is the doctor in our mental asylum. His relationship with his wife has been on a downwards spiral because they never had a child and that hurt Dr Grene's wife as being a lady and having maternal instincts that she could not fur fill. Soon she became elder and started becoming sick. Dr Grene and his wife barely spoke and one evening that changed they enjoyed their company together very much but after that amazing night. Dr Grene's wife died, we are now seeing how much this is effecting him and how he is changing his perspective on life and himself.. An example is that he shaved all his beard to feel younger. All theses different stories with narraters confuse me quite a bit but i am trying to understand.

I have started a new book called "Mortal Instruments: City of Bones"

I have started a new book called Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. I have only read a few pages but it already seems very interesting and the characters are fascinating especially Clary and Jace.
Through the course of this book, my character "kid" as I call him because I still don't know his real name yet, the characters have evolved and got more arrogant. I can feel a sense of coldness and hatred of some sort coming from the "kid".
I am getting very confused as to what is happening and I am starting to read it very, very slowly because of having to re-read the page a couple of times before actually understanding it.
Right now, the "kid" is at court taking notes for his classes and one of the defendants is Hanna (the woman he fell in love with). She is in court for having apparently killed hundreds of prisoners during the war when the bombing happened. Hanna and a few of the other guards locked prisoners in a church whilst changing the location, the bombers flew over and as the prisoners were locked inside they either blew up or burned to death. Now in court, her and some of the other guards are on trial for having "murdered" these prisoners.

The Necropolis

I have now finished The book Necropolis in the Power of five series and in this book there is a little twist at the end and they go through a door and they all get split up and no one knows where they are.....

I would definetly recommend this book and throughly enjoyed it.
File:Necropolis (Anthony Horowitz novel - book cover).jpg

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I have finished my book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"!

I have finished my book which I am really happy about though I am sad that it ended. It had a very good ending and it was really interesting to see the world from someone else's point of view especially of someone who had Asperges Syndrome. It was fascinating to see what someone with this illness was scared of and how hard and challenging something like taking the train to London was for him. Over all it was an amazing book and I was really captivated by Christopher's personality. 


Wednesday, October 1, 2014


This blog post I decided to write about the man who created this piece of literature:

Sebastian Barry born on July 5 in 1955 he is an Irish playwright, novelist and poet. Barry is considered a
gifted writer for his dense piece of literature. Barry's career as a writer began in poetry before he started writing plays and novels. In recent years his fiction writing triumphed over his work in the theatre in terms views and popularity.
Barry has been twice shortlisted for the “Man Booker Prize” for his novels “A long, long way “and of course the Secret Scripture the book I am reading. His work in fiction came along in 1990’s with the novel “A long, long way” The book I am reading now won the “James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction”

Barry was born in Dublin, his mother an actress He went to the Catholic University School and Trinity college all in Dublin. Barry lives in County Wicklow with his wife also an actress and has three children.

Finally I am advancing slowly but surely in this book at page 120