Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today I started reading "Looking for Alaska", i have gotten to page 50 or so and from what I have read it is already very good. It is about this 16 year old boy called Miles that is a very nice and sensible boy, he didn't have that many friends at his old school.  He is changing schools to one called called Culver Creek and when he gets there he meets this girl called Alaska that he is starting to like and she doesn't give the best first impression because the first thing that she tells us is how over the summer her friend grabs her boob. He then also starts smoking because he sees his room mate smoke so now we can he bad influences starting to rub off on him. I really want to see what will happen to him later on in the book and I want to know how his relationship with Alaska will turn out.


  1. Alaska seems like a very charismatic and vivid character... How do you think Alaska's and Miles relationship turns out?

  2. Also as they are very different do you think that will create conflict between them and how will it affect their relationship?

  3. I've been trying to figure out how their relation ship will turn out the whole dayyy, but I think that she will start to like him too but because she is a very different person, he will have to change for her and become a rebel like her. I think at some point there will be a problem, she will try to make him surpass his boundaries and do something very bad but I don't think that he wants to cross that boundary. I am really excited to see what happens :)

  4. Is the story narrated from the point of view of the teenager?

  5. Yes, Miles is narrating the sort, I honestly think that it is better that way because it is more intimate and we can relate to him more.

  6. Is Miles interested in Alaska so far? Already as more than a friend?
    And does Alaska show any interest in him whatsoever?

  7. hahah sara don't you want to just read the book yourself?

  8. Miles in not interested in her because elf her personality, he likes her because of her physical appearance, she doesn't show any interest in him because they have only talked twice. He is not the best looking as he describes himself as skinny and his roommate says that he has chicken legs. I don't know when she will start to show interest in him but I know she will.
