Thursday, October 30, 2014


Roseanne and Tom just had their marriage in Dublin in the church at Sutton afterwards they went to a Hotel to celebrate even though none of their families where there. They danced in the dancehall and later while Tom smoked a Russian oval cigrattes they discussed the benefits of living in Dublin and for the first time in this book their was a mutual romantic part both of the characters confessing in a low key manner their love for each other. After their wedding they were on train a distressing images were explained how in the springtime there was no market for lambs so  the farmers had to kill the lambs in the fields. The rest of the pages are explaining that a new leadership that was being formed and how Tom despised this men and how he got a hand made shirt and was going to talk and object. Then we are told about the routine that Tom and Roseanne has during Saturday night and that Tom was always saying that you can tell a lot about the state of a  country from the quality insults at the Saturday night pictures.


  1. I feel so bad for the lambs. Tom and Roseanne seem very in love, do you think it will last?

  2. Their love seems fixed for the moment but it is not un dying love but more a subtle and mutual sort of romance and yes i agree its terrible about the lambs !

  3. Me too its a terrible thing ! they could of always kept the lambs ! Their love is not intense intense and undying but subtle and mature I believe it was good marriage because in the other intertwining dories they make reference to it !
