Thursday, October 30, 2014


At the moment the most recent pages are all about Dr Grene's Commonplace Book. Dr Grene is the doctor or psychiatrist at the asylum his mission (apart from taking care of the patients ) is to find out the reason why Roseanne was brought to the asylum in the first place. However to do so he needs to dig up the uncomfortable past of Roseanne. Which is a challenge in its self because Roseanne is not always willing to contribute or zones out. While he his investigating Roseanne personal life, his own personal life has had enormous difficulties with his wife just passing away. He is now doubting every step he takes always judging himself and contemplating the meaning of his life. Recently he disconnected the phone that he had bought his wife but in the night he hears it ring and hears her voice. He decides to go downstairs into her room and see her phone. As he is doing this, Dr Grene is having enormous flashbacks of his wife dying and her breathing episodes. Finally he arrives enters but emptiness. This part was one of the most tense chapters because of the doubt if there was his wife's ghost.

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