Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Catcher in the Rye pt4

I have finally finished "The Catcher in the Rye"!
It is no doubt one of my favorite books in the world, and I am so grateful to the person that recommended it to me.
It is a novel about self-discovery, in which the main character deals with problems of teenage angst, loss of a family member, belonging, alienation and identity.
Holden Caulfield, the main character, is a very complex person; he has problems fitting in and adapting to other people's personalities, he is confused about life in general, and has anxiety problems.
The title of the novel which isn't very self-explanatory at first, is actually the lyrics to a song that Holden hears a young boy singing in the streets, and from that moment onwards Holden aspires to be "a catcher in the rye"; he wants to catch little kids falling from a field of rye, because that's what brings a smile to his face.
Throughout the story, he tries finding himself by spending a lot of time on his own and thinking; thinking about other students or teachers from previous schools, his beloved little sister, his deceased brother, his parents, his older brother, and the girl that got away.
Along his self-discovery journey he encounters multiple people that somehow change the course of his journey.
The book is written in the first person, so Holden is the narrator, which makes it more personal. The book is also written in the form of a letter to someone that remains anonymous to the reader.
I definitely recommend it!! I believe it's a must read!!

I will now move on to a new book that I haven't picked yet.


  1. This book sounds really good! As his sister is his only living relative, so we meet her in the story? Is the story narrated in the 1st or 3rd person? Where does he see the little boy sining the "catcher in the rye" song?

    1. His little sister is not the only living sibling he has, he also has an older brother that lives in California, so she is the only we do meet in the book.
      The story is narrated in the first person, it is a letter to someone unknown. He sees the boy in the street.

  2. Ohh okk, and how do we meet the little sister?

  3. Honestly very much have to compliment the summary that you wrote because it made me want to read the catcher and the rye right now and it sounds like an extremely touching and sweet book thanks to your really good summary ... did you get the book in the library?
