Sunday, October 12, 2014

Reading 1984 by Egor (3)

Chapters 7 and 8

7. In his diary, Winston writes about how he hopes there will be a revolution against the party. He thought that if all the normal citizens revolt, clearly the would win. However, he remembers that the vast majority not only don't want to revolt, but don't even realize that they are under the oppression of the party.

Winston then reads a children's history book, he reads that the party claims to have built perfect cities. He chooses to not read any further as he knows that it was probably made up. All the history has been erased. Without any proof, Winston chooses not to think about the past. In fact, Winston remembers how he caught the party lying; he saw some former leaders of the party in a café, but later saw a photograph that showed them in New York at the same time.

Winston then writes a letter to O'Brien. Despite that he doesn't know much about him, he thinks he is also against the party because he sees opposition within him. Remembering the party's phycological oppression on people, he thinks that the party can make people believe that 2+2=5. He believes that true freedom is having the rights to say 2+2=4.

8.  Winston goes to a pub, he was keen on not being spotted. Even thought it wasn't a crime to go home by an unusual route and enter a pub on the way, it was extremely unusual to say the least. In the pub, he sees a very old man and thinks of him as a man of the past. Winston was sure that he lived in the time of capitalism, so he goes to ask him questions. However, after a long period of questioning, he gives up as he realizes that there is nothing interesting in the memory of the old man. All memory that the man has from the past is irrelevant and not interesting.

When Winston left the pub, he visits the same store as he bought his diary. He then meets the proprietor of the store, Mr Charrigton who then take him to a private room. The room has no tele screen, which was extremely unusual, even strictly forbidden. He said that he doesn't have it because he can't afford it, which was an unusual excuse because everybody had to have it.

Later, when going home he saw the same girl as before, following him. he was so scared, that he plans to kill her when they come to a quite place, although changed his mind because the remembered that if caught, the sanction will be torture followed by death. He thin takes a coin out of pocket and looks at the face of Big Brother and think of the party slogan: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

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